Wednesday 2 December 2009

Strange Trails

Another video I couldn't put on 'Youtube', which follows after the 'Chemically Numb' synchronicity. It entertained me so I thought I would share it here.

'Strange days' by The Doors

Strange days have found us. Strange days have tracked us down.

They're going to destroy our casual joys.

We shall go on playing or find a new town.Yeah!

Strange eyes fill strange rooms. Voices will signal their tired end.

The hostess is grinning, her guests sleep from sinning.

Hear me talk of sin and you know this is it. Yeah!

Strange days have found us. And through their strange hours we linger alone.

Bodies confused. Memories misused.

As we run from the day to a strange night of stone.

Friday 13 November 2009

The universe is made of the Trinity

I just wanted to jot down and share something I was thinking about, concerning how the trinitarian nature of God is found in likeness if you look at how the universe is made. A single thing is usually made up of multiple parts. And all of those parts are usually made of multiple molecules. And all of those molecules are made up of multiple atoms, and this is the basic building block of all matter. If we examine what exactly it is we find it is made up of three parts...

The Neutron, a neutral particle, and most massive of the three, which resides in the nucleus. It is made from and can be split into two parts...
The Proton, a positively charged particle which resides in the nucleus, but also exerts a force into the space beyond the atom. Its charge provides a value...
The Electron, a negatively charged particle that exists outside of the nucleus, and also exerts a force into the space beyond the atom. It can also physically leave and return to the atom. Its opposite charge provides a variance to the value.

The Neutron is invisible electrically, though all three particles also exert a gravitational force into the space beyond, with the Electron being equal charge to the Proton but manifested physically so much more tiny.

The Electron is a unit all of itself, but in Quantum Theory only complete values can exist, and the Proton and Neutron are both made from three Quarks which each have a fractional value. So the whole particle, and also the Quarks which create them can only exist as a single unit with the three Quarks together creating it.

Everything is made from waves, even particles. A wave is made from three parts...
The thing that caused it to occur, which is seperate from the wave, but the wave is a likeness of it...
The field is the medium within which the wave's vibration occurs, the thing that vibrates...
The pattern is the rate and variance of the wave's vibration.

Now compare this to the trinitarian view of God...

The Father exists eternally and is all in all, the invisible originator enthroned in heaven, who issues forth the Spirit and speaks the Word...
The Spirit exists eternally in the Father but exerts influence out into the universe, and provides the base or medium in creation...
The Word exists eternally and exerts influence out into the universe, becoming localised as a tiny man in Christianity, leaving heaven and then returning again. And the Word is the Pattern, or Tao, etc. in creation, the vibration which generates all the different things.

All three have equality, and are a complete unit as God, presumably unable to exist without that configuration of three in one to speak himself into existence eternally without beginning or end, also all being a likeness of each other, though they have seperate functions. The Word and the Spirit are in a position of voluntary submission to the Father, and they exist in this configuration of love, each one sustaining the others, so it can continue eternally.

The unseen trinitarian atoms you would surely put your trust in.
The unseen trinitarian Quarks too perhaps.
The often seen trinitarian wave defining everything is always there.
What about the trinitarian God behind it all? Do you see yet?

Monday 9 November 2009

OK Chemtrails


This is the first and most educational video of a series I did with Radiohead's album 'OK Computer'. This is audio/visual synchronicity with a film about chemtrails. There is more information, and the whole series can be found here...

Since this is purely Tao-induced coincidence then it seems this is what God wants to tell us on the subject. While each individual video is an 'expose' in itself the whole series tells a story as follows...

1. Paranoid About Chemtrails - The mysterious lines in the sky are discovered, and also what exactly they are begins to become clear, and the nightmare dawns...

2. Subterranean Airsick Alien - After the initial shock wears off it is a typical day living with chemtrails, a more light-hearted video as documenting and speculating about the chemtrails begins...

3. Exit Trails - Now it begins to get darker and more hopeless as the chemtrails and their effects, and the media hypnosis become certain, but there is a little encouragement not to give up...

4. No Chemtrails Please - We skip to the end, and there is a choice to fight back or else go back to sleep and let it all happen. But even if nothing else can be done it is wise to search out natural and spiritual methods of healing, and praying for miracles...

And here are a couple of individual songs synchronised with the same video...

Chemically Numb...

Two Chemtrails In The Sunset...

Monday 2 November 2009


Watch this short video about the true value of money...

Now one thing must be made clear here, it is not that gold and silver are becoming more expensive, it is that the money we own is becoming less valuable. The same is happening in the UK, the coins are replaced with ones of lesser value, and the actual value of money is falling all the time. You can confirm this by checking the prices for yourself, it is happening worldwide, with very few exceptions. The banknotes of course are just cheques, a promise of payment. It is just one step away from purely electronic money which is worth LITERALLY NOTHING. If you do not own precious metals or ACTUAL OBJECTS HAVING REAL VALUE, then you do not own ACTUAL WEALTH, it is an illusion. Most people do not even own their own homes - they have mortgages, and if they fail to keep up the repayments then the banks can seize their property.

If actual cash is done away with entirely and it becomes purely electronic then you are at the mercy of machines, and those in charge can actually refuse you service and decide what you can and cannot buy, or they can take away your wealth entirely with the push of a button.

Listen to this excellent speech by Daniel Hannan, Member of the European Parliament, to see just how bad things have become...

So who owns all the actual wealth? PRIVATE BANKERS! The same ones who sponsor governments, directing them to make policy which favour themselves. And the same ones which produce too much credit, devaluing the money and creating economic crisis and recession. But it gets worse. Watch these two videos about the bank bailouts...



So in fact we, the struggling common people, WITHOUT OUR CONSENT, are made through taxes to give BILLIONS more to the banks - so they can loan it back to us and CHARGE US INTEREST ON OUR OWN MONEY! As you saw the massive 700 billion dollars from American taxpayers was chosen simply because "it's a really big number!" And the common man is failing while these already extremely wealthy bankers are literally "laughing all the way to the bank!"

If you look carefully at this you can see that there is a worldwide plan to transfer all the wealth - whether theoretical "money" or actual wealth - out of the hands of the common majority of people, and into the hands of these very few people in control of everything - "the elite".

Take a look at this document. This was allegedly accidentally left within a second-hand photocopier (though I would prefer to think someone with a conscience did this on purpose, to expose what is going on). Now whether this document is genuine or not is irrelevant, you should be able to plainly see that everything contained therein is actually happening. There is another version available with diagrams, but these are only necessary if you want to study the formulas in detail, just the words are enough for a basic study. This is very long, but there is no need to read it all at once, just read the introduction to begin with and then you can pick out parts at your leisure...

More "silent weapons" for the "quiet war". You'll see it mainly speaks of economics, and ways to control the population to make them into this great predictable machine. Money it seems follows after the same scientific laws as things like electricity. The production of "credit" then causes "economic inductance", and the only way for it to balance and continue working is for the "population field" to collapse. In other words, PEOPLE NEED TO DIE as part of this plan to transfer the real wealth into the hands of "the elite", and this apparently is the real reason behind war and other mass deaths.

But that is not the only reason. Obviously the ever increasing population of "normal" people puts a strain on things, and also becomes more difficult to control by so few. Take a look at this...

This is referred to as the Georgia Guidestones, and is the blueprint for a "perfect world" under the New World Order. Some of it is disturbing, especially the first rule - that the population of the Earth should be maintained below 500 million. It is currently more than ten times that amount. Also check out this very disturbing article...

Now if it isn't plain to you the population is going to grow massively by 2031, and even if everybody were sterelised so there was zero population growth, more than half of the population are not going to die naturally by then. And all those tens of millions can't be thrown out of the country - where would they go (especially with population increasing elsewhere too), and WHO would have to go? The only way this is possible is for the government to actually KILL people! They are wise to "distance themselves" from this idea once people realise what it means, but eventually they are going to have to address it.

Taking all these things into account suddenly all of the various poisonings and "terrorist threats", unrighteous wars, disease "epidemics", dangerous vaccines and other things begin to make perfect sense. But note that making us sick isn't just about killing us, it is also about controlling us and making vast profits through the pharmaceutical industry.

I'll end this post with some important points brought up in the 'silent weapons for quiet wars' document, and use phrases coined by David Icke to describe them...

A frog in boiling water will jump out immediately, but if you very gradually increase the temperature it will not notice, until it's too late and it boils to death. The same is if all the things in the great plan happen too quickly, people will notice and rebel against it. But by introducing things very gradually, and gauging public reation, all these things can be brought about eventually - and ARE being brought about!

The agenda is pushed forward most commonly by this method. A PROBLEM is brought before the public, which is either usually false or actually created by those in power. This then produces a carefully manipulated REACTION from the public, who then demand a SOLUTION from those in charge. The solution turns out to be exactly what "the elite" had wanted all along!

Monday 26 October 2009


This is the response I got back from my MP which completely ignored what I said about how the persistent trails opposed to the science of normal contrail formation are definitely NOT "normal contrails"...


I write in response to your e-mail of the 13 October regarding trails from aircraft. I have been contacted by another constituent about this matter and made enquiries with my colleagues in the Department for Food Environment and Rural Affairs.

A common conspiracy theory claims that these trails are actually "chemicals or biological agents sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public".

DEFRA confirm that such a theory has absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever and, as such, is not scientifically recognised.

Condensation trails, however, are often emitted by high flying aircraft. These are commonly known as contrails and are composed very simply of ice crystals and water vapour caused by the combustion process.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Regards and best wishes


No basis in fact whatsoever???!??!? What I wrote about how the government has ADMITTED to "chemicals or biological agents sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public" has also clearly been completely ignored. I WOULD CALL THAT A FACT! Here is the Guardian article detailing how Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker has managed to get the information about it released, and also how the spraying is NONE OF THE PUBLIC'S BUSINESS...

Clearly the letter I received contradicts this information, conveniently ignoring actual facts, and assuring me that everything is OK and there is NO SUCH THING as the government has already admitted to!


I've just received a letter from the House Of Commons. I don't have time now to look at this, but I will report on what it says later...

Ignored by Member of Parliament

As I said I wrote an email to my local MP concerning the chemtrails, and I referenced the government's admittance of the spraying "tests" in the past, and the obvious nature of the current spraying - since these are "current operations" the government refuses to release information about what is happening. I immediately got back a reply saying she gets a lot of mail, but I would most likely get a response within 10 days. It has now been 2 weeks, and I have got no response back at all. Of course I cannot know whether my email even reached the MP, but either way it seems what I wrote has been completely ignored, though I said that I was extremely worried about it, and more and more people are beginning to become aware of it.

However there WAS a change in the spraying, it has now become a lot more covert and less obvious. When the sky has been clear during the day I have not seen a single trail across the sky, where previously it was covered in them. But on a cloudy day I could clearly make out a thick trail going across the sky, almost invisible against the cloud background, which I would not have seen if I wasn't looking carefully, and I've also seen the spread out trails left hours previously, which are a lot less obvious and resemble normal cloud.

Today is cloudy again, but for a brief time a lot of the cloud cleared up, revealing the usual extreme chemtrail activity, now hidden by the cloud again. Note that this is mainly done early in the morning when people are either asleep or rushing off to work, too busy to notice it. The only previous time there has been a cease to the trails since I started observing was when the windspeed was high, and others have confirmed that chemtrail laying ceases when the wind gets above a certain speed.

So it seems more drastic measures must be undertaken to try and get more people to become aware of what is going on, writing to your local MP will do nothing except make it less obvious to the public!

Friday 16 October 2009

Submit to the HIGHEST authority

This post is for Christians, and also for those who don't share the faith but still view the New Testament as a book of fine wisdom.

In the "last days" - which according to all the signs and prophecies is NOW - many preachers will be trained to do the devil's work, and will deceive the people. They will be working for the Earthly government, the New World Order, instead of working for God. It is certain that they will use this quote from the New Testament against you...

Romans 13:1-7
Let every soul be subject to higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, but the existing authorities have been ordained by God. So that whoever resists the authority has opposed the ordinance of God, and whoever opposes will receive judgment to themselves. For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. And do you not want to fear the authority? Do the good and you will have praise from it, for he is a servant of God to you for the good. But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain - for he is a servant of God, an avenger for wrath to the one practising evil.
Because of this it is necessary to be subject, not only because of wrath but also because of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are ministers of God, for this very thing, always giving attention. Then give to all their dues - to the one due tax, the tax, to the one due tribute, the tribute, to the one due fear, the fear, to the one due honour, the honour.

Now this makes it plain that the government authority should be obeyed - because it is set up by God for the good of the people, to do the work of God on Earth, rewarding the good and punishing the evil. However, if you look at your own government you can plainly see whether it is this authority from God which is to be obeyed, or if it is something else...

-Is the devil/serpent/dragon/beast at the head of it? We are commanded to RESIST the devil in every way, Christ died to set us free from being ruled over by him.

-Does it reward what is truly good, and punish what is truly evil? If not then it is not doing what God gave it authority to do.

-Does it do good itself, and not do what is evil? God does not authorise evil, and there are no evil ministers of God.

-Does it require a fair tax, and use the money for doing what God authorised it to do? If not then there is no requirement to pay to help fund further evil. A worker should not get paid if he doesn't do his job!

-Is it earning its tax? Do any of its members deserve tribute, fear and honour? That is up to you to decide.

So it's quite plain that the coming New World Order is NOT to be obeyed, it is to be opposed - the devil is the enemy of God, and to follow the devil is to reject God. His government is definitely NOT a government with God's authority, set up by God for our good. The government will be set up to enslave us, and whatever government arises or is currently in power that does not agree with the description in Romans 13 of the government set up by God, then this must certainly be an evil government, and it does not have the authority which comes from God - IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF PEOPLE TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO, PRETENDING TO BE A HIGHER AUTHORITY!

"There is no authority, except from God."

Also beware of the devil setting himself up to appear to be the true and living God when he comes, but if you read the book of Revelation and other end time prophecies then his coming should be plain. And of course if you have faith then pray for wisdom and guidance.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

The Quiet War

This is another subject where I don't know where to begin. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and you will almost certainly have a natural reaction - a conditioned response - that tells you that much, or indeed all of what I will write here is utter nonsense. Now if you want to know truth you search it out, you make observations, do experiments and make arguments based on sound logic and reasoning, and take all things from several different sources and viewpoints, rather than getting a biased view. Under no circumstances do you simply guess, without any knowledge at all, or just a few 'official' stories - unless you are a blind fool. So likewise if you want to know if the things I write here are true or not you should examine them properly for yourself. To not do so means you have been conditioned by a mass hypnosis, and I would urge you to recognise this strange automatic reaction WHICH IS CLEARLY OPPOSED TO DISCOVERING TRUTH, and resist it. Are you an intelligent person or a blind fool? Make your choice now...

I will begin with something that needs to be urgently brought to people's attention, so if you do not read all of what I write at least this first part has been said to you. Fifteen to twenty years or so ago, and further in the past aeroplanes would fly by, and sometimes they would leave a trail behind them in the sky. This almost always vanished in seconds, though they sometimes can last a little longer. Look into your memory and your old photographs, even watch old films and TV shows and notice what the sky is like. We still see this today, these condensation trails, or "contrails" will sometimes appear behind an aeroplane when the atmospheric conditions are right, and there is a simple science behind it.

But in addition to these, and beginning worldwide and extremely heavily since around 1998 there have been aeroplanes leaving another kind of trail behind them. This is not a normal contrail, as can often be proved because it is against the laws of science. This is a CHEMTRAIL. I strongly recommend searching out information about these things, they are actually chemicals - sometimes in the fuel - which are being sprayed out above our heads continually. And it's BAD stuff. The governments deny this is occurring, or else refuse to comment about it - though some have admitted it's been done in the past (UK government confirms) - they LIE and tell us that these chemical trails are normal contrails. Do your research, use your common sense, and you will plainly see that these are CHEMTRAILS and the public is being sprayed without their knowledge or consent. I have just written to my local MP about this, it should be interesting to see what response I get back - if any.

(Notice the way it is efficiently laid out to cover maximum area?)

In addition to this intentional and unnecessary poisoning of the sky and the air we breathe (with both chemical and biological poisons), which also poisons the land and rivers, the water supply is additionally poisoned, mainly with Sodium Fluoride. This, like many other things, we are told is for our own good, to make our teeth healthier. But all sane scientists agree this is not the case, and the levels we ingest are DANGEROUSLY high - especially if you use toothpaste or mouthwash as well. This is used to poison the brains of the population, especially the developing children, and lower their intelligence, not allowing them to use their brains to full capacity. With the children they also make the examinations easier, and all about simply repeating the facts - which is incomplete or faulty truth now being taught to further keep the next generation from becoming too clever and informed. In fact often it looks like the children are getting smarter, but this is illusion - the examinations are becoming easier to pass, which hides the real decline which is going on.

There is MUCH to say on this subject, but I'll end for now and go on later. These two points alone...
...should be investigated, but that is far from all that is going on. All these things are attacks - 'chemtrails' are (or were) listed by name in American government documents as chemical and biological weapons for example. But most likely you do not even realise that you are under attack, and this is the most excellent strategy. These are examples of 'silent weapons', and there is no doubt that these are being used against the citizens of the world by some VERY greedy men, who want to own all wealth and rule the world in a single world government and world bank and world army, often referred to as the New World Order. You will often hear that phrase used by politicians or in newspapers, and there is a constant drive towards setting it up "for the good of the people". It is the same organisation that produced Nazi Germany, and it will be exactly the same as that, except much more technological and powerful, and WORLDWIDE!


More coming soon...

Sunday 27 September 2009

Paranoid Heroes

Some videos would not be displayed on Youtube website, so I'll put one here instead. This is 'Paranoid android' from Radiohead's 'OK Computer' synchronised with the 'Heroes' pilot episode. Our heroes are becoming paranoid - with good reason. When Claire falls from a great height and Zach panics he later told her he was going to throw up...

And here is a link to a playlist with the entire 'Meddle In Secret' synchronicity, which is one of my favourites. Watch this one on Hallowe'en...

Also I want to make a point concerning the Pattern. I hope you've begun to see these things work because of it, though you've only seen a tiny fraction of it here. Like the random tumbling of coins was generated from the same Pattern that generated my job at the car dealership, the same Pattern that generates the TV episodes also generates the music albums. And like the pictures of my job were generated from the same images looked at in different ways, likewise the same images looked at in different ways in the TV shows produce all the different music albums. And though I've only shown a couple of examples of what the Pattern looks like, I'll go into this in more detail in the future, so you can see how this same simple Pattern is behind EVERYTHING.

I have things on a different subject to write about next...

Monday 21 September 2009

Sweet Trans-Alex

I've just posted another full album/episode synchronicity on the 'Youtube' website, the same episode as with The Final Cut but a different album, the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack album. This is one of the most popular scenes from it (the same scene as with the Pink Floyd soundtrack), although the 'Super Heroines' scene was even more popular. Louis, Ray's new "handyman" insulted Alex, about her always wearing a hat, who is a female transvestite who wears man clothes and acts like a man. Then at lunch he impersonates the female teacher. One of the songs was banned so gets missed out, but hopefully I'll be able to find another identical one to replace it. Here is the playlist...

These two examples together show the versatility of the synchronicities. With one soundtrack it's deep and serious and with another - using the exact same images - it's delightful comedy.

The Zapper's Daydream

I thought I would include this, 'The gunner's dream' from Pink Floyd's 'The Final Cut' + The Secret World Of Alex Mack 'New kid in town' synchronicity. This is the most popular part of the synchronicity, and explores Alex's desire to kill someone who makes her miserable.

The entire synchronicity is available on 'Youtube' website here. Don't be fooled by the slow start, it's an awesome synchronicity throughout...

Saturday 12 September 2009

Dark Side Of Lost

'Dark Side Of Lost' or 'Lost Side Of The Moon' synchronicity, song 'Us and them'.

From Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side Of The Moon' with Lost 'Pilot part 1'. I'm uploading the entire album and episode (both same length) to 'Youtube' website, so you can watch the whole thing there. The lyrics to this song begin when Charlie starts singing his own song lyrics to Jack, "You all everybody", because "us and them" IS everybody, as well as it sounds like "You wall everybody", or in other words "All in all you're just another brick in the wall." Generally with the show "us and them" is "us" and "the Others", and notice things like "Me and you" is Locke and Jack, who take opposing sides.

See the entire album/episode synchronicity here...

Friday 11 September 2009

Flash Mack

And I just had to include this. This is from the 'Queen Greatest Hits' with Alex Mack 'Rat trap' synchronicity, I showed the first song 'Bohemian rhapsody' in another post, the episode restarts during the song 'Flash' and it plays with the opening credits. The end credits are not supposed to play, it is supposed to be the end of the episode instead, but I haven't yet got the hang of this video making. It still synchronises well anyway, with the FLASH at the first word, "Flash!" Notice the telescope is referred to as a big gun in both songs, this is normal that common themes occur with different songs and albums.

Tangled up in blue

Episode: Suspect

Song: Tangled up in blue (Bob Dylan)

First track of 'Blood On The Tracks' (shortened version, cutting out the music at the end). This is a superb synchronicity, Alex doesn't have enough money to eat at the diner, and her family won't give or even lend her any so she is forced to get a job, where she is accused of stealing. This is a special episode that works beautifully with many different albums.

'Desperate Housewives' episode: Sunday

Song: Tangled up in blue (Bob Dylan)

First track of 'Bob Dylan Greatest Hits Volume 3' - different album, same first song. Though if one album works the other one often will as well with the same episode. As usual with these things the synchronicity will make more sense if you are familiar with the story. Katherine is figuratively "tangled up in blue", troubled by sadness, and as usual people and things are literally "tangled up in blue", eg. Lynette has a blue cord tied around her waist, there is a blue ribbon tied onto one of the baskets, etc. This is another special episode that works with many different albums.

Thursday 10 September 2009

More opening track synchronicities

Episode: Rat Trap

Song: Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)

Opening track of 'Queen Greatest Hits', awesome synchronicity throughout the entire album with the episode repeating, for example Alex spins the globe because "fat bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go round!"

Episode: New kid in town

Song: Blowing in the wind (Bob Dylan)

First track of 'Bob Dylan Greatest Hits' (UK version). It's like a protest song against heavy and inconsiderate smokers, they should let frisbees blow in the wind instead of their smoke. This episode should work repeating with an enormous number of different albums. It's one of the best with Radiohead's 'Kid A', which works with EVERY episode apparently (because 'Kid A' = "the kid", Alex).

Episode: The secret world of Ray Alvarado

Song: America is not the world (Morrissey)

First track of 'You Are The Quarry'. Alex has nothing to offer except a good heart, and doesn't help Ray cheat at Baseball. Then Ray gets the powers and becomes famous in a dream, but he knew it couldn't last, and gets hunted down, literally running for his life at the end.

'First of the gang to die' later on the album. The album is twice as long as the episode, so it plays twice. This song plays for the next scene but during the second time the episode plays, it's the scene where Vince has his 'gun' in his hand and Ray steals the powers from Alex, then at the end...

"He stole all HATS away!" :)

The Golden Girl

Young Alex glows a golden colour...

"She's my woman of gold and she's not very old."

She has magic powers, but she isn't a witch...

"She ain't no witch and I love the way she twitch."

She lives on the West coast of America, and this is the episode where she wins races...

"She's faster than most and she lives on the coast."

She is sometimes known as Al...


Monday 7 September 2009

Experiments with the Pattern

Here are a couple of experiments I did to test the Pattern. I was unemployed and asked God to show me what my next job would be, then I randomly flipped 6 coins 6 times (36 coin flips in total). Heads and tails were changed to 0 and 1, thus producing six 6 digit binary numbers (23, 28, 55, 31, 16 and 63). These were then put on top of one another in a 6x6 grid like a binary computer sprite with 0 being white and 1 being black. This then created pictures of the future which defined the job, like simple comic book images. They are rotated and viewed different ways up, the whole 6x6 creating one set of images, and the left and right 3x6 halves creating an additional two sets of images. They are viewed both as black images on a white background and also white images on a black backround. They are always made from the same Pattern, which I will explain shortly. Several months passed with me applying for whatever job was available, and by the time I finally got a job I had forgotten all about the images I made...

The right page showed an accurate picture of the building where I worked, and one half of the total picture of what my place of work would look like. It was a car dealership with workshop, and my job was to move and park the cars...

The left half showed what I would be doing in the job. The background is all one colour, and shows empty space (or things like see-through glass) but I've used different colours to show the foreground, so you can clearly see the different objects they represent...

The entire image showed the other half of the location, and also what I stared at all day, as I spent most of my time leaning against the wall waiting for a car to move...

The same image also shows me leaning against the wall all day, which is what I spent most of my time doing. I have a bad right leg, and the standing and driving all day was making it very painful and swollen (which is why I was leaning against the wall). The job was quite 'heartless', for example I had to stop old people who struggle to walk from parking next to this wall where I stood, and make them park far away from the entrance, even if they were only going to be there for a moment...

So those images not only showed accurate and precise pictures of the location, and me doing the job, but also described every detail of it, even showing how I would feel doing it. As I said they are always made from the same Pattern. This is a horizontal line with a dot above and to the left together with an image which represents God. The length of the line varies, and the position of the dot moves around, but it is ALWAYS above and to the left of the line, and only ever touches it diagonally at the corner, so is always clearly seperate and recognisable. The image which represents God is usually a bird or 'plane (usually becoming broken), or the symbol of infinity, but several other images can appear (like fish or spider - creatures or things that move in 3 dimensions beyond the simple 2 dimensional plane we inhabit).
With this set of numbers the image which represents God was unclear, until I looked at the numbers in a different way, and made another image from the binary pattern of the individual digits of the numbers. This shows me drawing a picture at around the same time I made the images, I would have to explain in much more detail to explain the significance of why I did this, but I won't go into it here. So this shows me drawing the picture of a spider, or rather giving legs to the symbol of infinity and making it into an animal (which also represents the Father changing the Eternal Word into the human Son)

Now going back to the original image, that alternative way of looking at the numbers explained how God is represented as a spider. The horizontal line with dot above and to the left represents "the heavens and the earth" from our point of view - the flat ground with a single sun or moon. God descends to earth from heaven, like a spider on a thread...

Another experiment was that somebody else who refuses to believe in God wanted me to tell them something I couldn't possibly know, they wanted me to tell them what job they did using the Pattern. So again I did the 36 coin flips, which produced the numbers 2, 50, 23, 22, 5 and 37...

Now since I have not seen them, their job, the location or anything I was not able to interpret all the images and confirm the accuracy. All they told me after I had made the numbers was that the job was WORKING IN A LIBRARY, in which they put books on shelves and also used a computer. Both these are represented by the same image, the shelf and books together also looking like a computer being used...

As I said, I am unable to interpret what the green things at the top represent, since I have not seen the place, however this may possibly represent the thoughts of the person. The horizontal line with dot above and to the left appears showing "the heavens and the earth", but in place of God there is a MINUS SIGN (-), showing how the person's equation of reality only shows the universe with God being subtracted from it - especially when you consider how God appears in the image, which I will go into in a moment.
If it were not already plain that Library/Librarian was being shown, one half of the image confirms it. This shows a representation of the logo which appears on all libraries where I live (which is supposed to look like somebody reading a book), and in addition also looks like the first two letters of Library/Librarian, "L + i". The initial letter or first two letters of things often appear in these images...

The left and right halves together again were made from the great Pattern which always appears, and like with my job appeared in two parts. The first shows the line and dot, but this time God is represented by a symbol which defines both his name and nature. This is a form of the verb TO BE, "I AM", "HE IS (eternally)", YHWH. In mathematics this is the EQUALS SIGN (=), which means exactly the same as the name and nature of God, "IT/HE IS"...

The other half then shows the great eternal "I AM" changing from that which was bigger than the world into a tiny limited thing upon the surface of the earth - a single point like a tent or house made of human flesh...

New Testament
John 1:1-3 "In the beginning was the LOGOS, and the LOGOS was with GOD, and the LOGOS was GOD. This one was in the beginning with GOD. All things came into being through him, and without him not even one thing was made that has been made."
John 1:14 "And the LOGOS became flesh and camped among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory of of an only begotten from the FATHER, full of grace and truth."

Monday 15 June 2009

I dream of Jenny

Here are some pictures of my female side Jennifer, it is her first attempt to make them using a webcam. She is not wearing full makeup in these pictures (and neither has her chest taped to produce a cleavage) which she doesn't usually do...



A bit pouty, showing how lipliner increases lip size


All white Summer outfit

We're ready for our closeup


Later that night.....

Jen's back

Getting hot

Shake it!

Time for a sit down


More coming soon, hopefully they should be better...

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Man of science, man of faith

I want to make a very important point that should always be considered. Many people seem to see a division between a 'man of science' and a 'man of faith' like they are opposites. Like one needs proof and another doesn't. This is another error, no reasonable person is like that, all are 'men of science AND faith'.

Consider a scientist, doing his experiments, observing the results, making his theories, and seeing patterns forming allowing him to create laws to govern how things work, and predict how they will behave. In the case of the deeper things like quarks or dark matter which cannot be directly observed, there can be no proof, only indirect indications showing their current models of the universe are correct enough to put their trust in. They cannot see, so they put their faith in what their studies and experience have shown them to be true.

Likewise the Pattern, or Tao, or God, or Dharma, or the Logos, or whatever name you call it is invisible, yet its existence has been observed indirectly by man always, even massive ancient religions have been built upon it - notice how they all have this same concept at their heart? Those with faith in the 'Higher Power', unless they are deluded, they have seen convincing evidence of it, and it can be examined and the Oddities discovered.

A genuine faith is certainly not blind, whether by the spiritual seeker or the student of quantum theory, it makes no difference. There must be at least reasonable evidence that things are so, or else they should not be believed. I am examining the Pattern from a scientific point of view, and the results have increased my religious faith because of scientific experiment. No rational person would say the astronomically unlikely probability of coincidence in the results of the experiments is meaningless, if I were examining anything other than God then they would say it DEFINITELY has meaning. How odd! But that's the Oddity for you. :)

If you let scientific, social or religious teachers tell you things, do you see evidence the things they tell you are so? Or do you just trust them because of their 'authority'? Do not let other people do your thinking for you, for then they control your minds. They control what you believe and what you think and do. That is between you and the Pattern, do not be a slave to anyone who wants human cattle. Be FREEEEEEEEEE! :D

Introducing the Pattern


Where do I begin? I suppose I should begin at the beginning...

In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. And the Earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light...

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This one was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that has been made...

In Hinduism AUM or OM is the Word, uttered at creation and contains everything, a combination of vibrations generating the entire universe.

In modern string theory it is supposed that everything is made of the same stuff, simply vibrating at different rates, creating all kinds of matter and energy, even time and space itself.

Trinity, tri-unity, of God is a feature of some religions. The Christian God is defined as the Father, the Word (who becomes the Son, of flesh) and the Spirit. The Word is the Logos in Greek, the same as Aum and Tao and Ma'at and Dharma, etc. in other religions.

So the Father, the invisible Originator issues forth the Breath/Spirit/Field. Then he issues forth the Word/Vibration/Pattern. He merely says the word and what he says happens. Because what happens IS what he says. Notice the FIRST thing he says is LET THERE BE LIGHT, or rather LET THERE BE VIBRATIONS IN ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. Supposedly he speaks himself into existence in the same way, thus being three seperate functional entities all combined into one eternal being. 'I AM' is eternally in the midst of saying "I AM". All we experience around us is the Word, a vibrating Pattern producing everything in combination with the Spirit/Field/Ether, the very living manifestation of God, revealing the invisible Father.

When you speak a word the pattern of sounds vibrates the air molecules in a particular way. Or imagine a pool of water. The water is the Spirit, the Word is the waves on the surface. The Pattern they make is alive. It is the true and living God manifested for us to see plainly all around us all the time. The same Pattern is found in everything, and expands into more complex versions of itself. I will go into this in more detail later, but I hope I've begun to explain about what the Pattern is. It is actually possible to use science to prove the existence of the Pattern, and prove God is real. I've already done experiments where extremely uncertain future events have been predicted with 100% accuracy and precision.

The Thompson Interlineation

In 1845 James Strang, self-proclaimed successor to Mormon leader Joseph Smith, claimed to have found some metal plates buried in a hill in Voree, Wisconsin, in the United States of America. They were written in an unknown language, but he also claimed he could translate it, and provided it for the world to see. The plates, if they ever existed, are now lost, but a copy of them is still available - which may possibly be a mirror image of the original (as is supported by a description of the plates). For over 150 years nobody ever found any correlation between the text on the plates and Strang's alleged translation.

I came across it and decided to try for myself, and likewise failed. Then I asked God to help me, doing this often leads to some astonishing results, and this was one of those times. Immediately it became plain, and I was able to line up the mysterious text with the English translation precisely, there can be no doubt the translation is completely correct. It also opened up the text to study, and some very interesting things were revealed.

This is briefly mentioned in 'Wikipedia', the online encyclopedia, but it is seriously lacking in information. For example the certainty of the 'interlineation' is not made plain, and the work of James Hajicek in examining the language is not even mentioned. He is the one who gave it the name 'The Thompson Interlineation', and he is, or was, the leader of a Strangite church. His son John Hajicek ran a rival Strangite church, but their church didn't seem interested in my discovery.

I will go into this in more detail later, clearly showing the interlineation, and providing documents to show things like how the characters, sounds and other things are identical to ancient Egyptian, the presence of a Hebrew translation inserted into the text and other things. It is still unclear to me whether this is a genuine ancient record or it was made by Strang, but the evidence strongly suggests it is a genuine ancient language. Strang's translation DEFINITELY lines up with what is written on the plates, and seems to be correct, however there is a small possibility his translation was made up, and he made it so it LOOKS LIKE it is correct.

Another thing I want to go into is the Book Of Mormon and Joseph Smith. It seems the things I've found out from my studies into this area are a lot plainer and more certain than with Strang and the Voree plates. Reader, beware of falsehood written about many things. It is my mission to discover truth, and I examine all things with an open mind and make logical conclusions concerning the things I study. As I learn new things I constantly examine what I have already learned and am always willing to think I MIGHT BE WRONG. This is the only way to truth, it is almost certain you will not be right about everything first time. And most important, don't let supposed 'experts' tell you things are so. Examine all things FOR YOURSELF, wherever you can acquire enough knowledge and wisdom to understand these things properly. Many things believed to be true are in fact full of faults, and though this is sometimes simply due to man's folly, there is usually a reason why truth is being intentionally hidden from the public. I will aim to expose some of these faults concerning different things.

Friday 13 March 2009

Am I insane?

Logic and reason.

Very often seemingly everyone else seems to agree logic and reason is something opposed to what logic and reason actually is, according to my understanding of what is logical and reasonable.

Either the world is crazy or I am. Though I explain my logic and reasoning clearly, yet what I say is ignored and others do not explain their logic and reasoning, merely repeat it. My logic and reasoning leads me to believe that theirs is faulty and mine is sound. Is there something wrong this this logic and reasoning, or am I right and sane?


A blast from the past

These are some of the shows I watched when I was young...

Dogtanian And The Three Muskerhounds
"Woof woof woof, woof woof woof!"

Trap Door
"Don't you open that trap door, you're a fool if you dare!"

Opening credits
"Stay on this channel, this is an emergency!"

End credits
Noughts and crosses.

Around The World With Willy Fog
"Fog! I'm the one who made the bet."


Opening credits
"If your mansion house needs haunting, just call Rentaghost."

End credits
"We do medium sized tables here at Rentaghost."

Jamie And The Magic Torch
"Life is one glorious game."

Chorlton And The Wheelies
"Jump in, we'll take you for a spin."

The Mysterious Cities of Gold
"Children of the sun, see your time has just begun."

Count Duckula
"I'll get it!"

"I dream in colour 'cause I live in black and white."

Button Moon
Opening credits
"We'll follow Mr. Spoon."

End credits
"Be back soon."

Raggy Dolls
"Just to be whoever you are is no disgrace."

Fraggle Rock
"Look ma, I caught a Fraggle!"

"They threw him away like a piece of rubbish!"

Top Cat
"Tip top!"

Ulysses 31
"Your bodies will remain as lifeless as stone."

Schofield & Gopher lip sync

Rainbow 1977 Christmas special

The terms from the 'Build me a woman' post were taken from an excellent episode of the old TV show 'Rainbow'. If you have never seen this...

Enjoy! :)

Build me a woman

If you are a man and want to look and feel like a girly girly girl, here is some useful information...

You may grow your own hair, but wearing a long hair wig can produce a MASSIVE change to your appearance. It is not necessary to get an expensive natural hair wig, a good synthetic one can be very convincing and is easier to look after. Even a cheap 'party wig' can be good, though you may not be able to do many hairstyles with it. A wig which matches the colour of your own hair is best.

Some simple makeup can change your appearance significantly as well. The shades should be chosen to fit with your natural skin colour. After shaving completely smooth just cover your entire face with a thin layer of foundation, also your neck and chest if necessary. Then cover with base powder/loose powder, with a finishing powder over the top if necessary, and touch up with the finishing powder when required. This should cover beard shadow and even out any blotchiness in your face. If you use eyeshadow put the darker shade on your eyelids and the lighter shade below the eyebrows, and blend them. Eyeliner should be done in a thin line below the eye as close to the eyelashes as possible, and a little above as well if you like. Eyeliner can also be smudged to create a smoky eyeshadow look around the eyes. Lipliner is excellent for increasing lip size. Draw around the edges of your lips above and below, but not to the sides, then fill in your lips with lipstick of a similar colour.

Shave your chest and armpits! Arm hair can be left alone if you like, so long as it is not too thick. Many women have hairy arms, it depends upon lighting conditions as to how visible it is - and it can be bleached instead of shaved, making it much less visible. Tape can be used on the chest to create a large cleavage, or a smaller pair of natural breasts. The best way is to use a single strip of suitable tape long enough to go around your body almost twice. Using the wrong tape and being too rough can damage or irritate your skin, medical tape or body tape is advised, but different types can be used. I use electrical tape, which stretches, sticks well but not TOO well, and does not damage or irritate my skin. To create a cleavage pull all the chest muscle from the bottom and sides (near the armpits) sideways and up, and tape into place with a nice valley in the middle. See other websites for more detailed information. Then wear breastforms and a bra and top covering the false breasts and tape. If you do it right this will look extremely convincing. Many models tape their bodies secretly underneath their clothing to enhance their features when being photographed, they do not have the 'perfect' bodies we are led to believe. To make natural breasts it is similar, but have the tape right underneath with the breasts fully exposed, rather than over the top holding them together, and use the tape to lift them up and sideways a little. Just experiment until you get something you like.

Breastforms can be bought quite cheaply. Rolled up socks will do if that is all you have, but they will not move naturally or feel like real breasts. There are different methods, but the easisest way to make your own breastforms is to cut off the lower legs from a pair of tights and less than half fill with a suitable amount of birdseed or rice, according to how large you want your breasts to be. Twist and turn the remainder inside-out, creating a second layer, and tie the bundle up, creating two sealed bags of seed/rice. Make sure each is not too loose or too tight, and if you pull the knot very tight and cut off the remainder just above it, it will also simulate a large nipple. The weight and bounce will be very convincing, but though they will move and bounce like real breasts they may not feel very realistic when touched, especially if rice is used. Note they do not have to be exactly the same size, most women have different sized breasts. Many men wear false breasts too high, the top of the bust should not be higher than the armpit. Note if cutting up tights the top part can also be used to make a gaffe. If you want a realistic feel as well as weight and bounce the best thing for the amateur is gelatine filled balloons, though also have them inside tights for extra security to avoid bursting them.

Shave your legs! Or if you can't two pairs of dark tights should disguise any hair. Padding can also be used around the hips and bottom to create a more feminine shape, you could add your own if you preferred when making a gaffe. Painted toenails are excellent, even a shiny clear nail polish can be used and not noticed by others.

The major change from male to female is done by 'tucking'. The balls are pushed up inside the body in the corner of the scrotum at the base of the 'twanger', towards the belly button. They should appear as two little lumps in the abdomen, and may resemble 'cameltoe'. The twanger and empty scrotum is pushed down and back and flattened underneath, in between the legs. It can all be taped into place (after shaving the area) but this is not recommended, a tight fitting pair of knickers or two should hold it all in place, or use a gaffe. This should successfully pass BOTH the 'Crocodile Dundee' and 'Ace Ventura' tests, even while wearing a swimsuit. The balls should immediately fall back into position when released, but if not just give them a little push, don't worry they will not get stuck or lost! They will naturally retreat there in extreme cold conditions anyway. Tucking is also used by Sumo wrestlers, native hunters and others and protects the balls from damage. Note they should move into place very easily and should not be forced. If it hurts then you are not doing it right, and you may damage them if you try too hard. At first it may seem impossible and they are too large to fit. The secret entrance where they go into the abdomen will open up if you move your legs into different positions, and wiggle your hips about a bit. It is best lying down the first time, and move your legs together while moving your hips upwards. Pulling the twanger up will also lift the skin at its base in the corners, and also may help the balls pass through there more easily, though this should not be necessary.

Monday 9 March 2009

Introducing the Loonwolf


I am a man called Keith Thompson from Manchester in England, part of Great Britain, a land of this planet Earth. I am also known as Loonwolf in many places. I was born approximately 1976 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. I have a mild form of autism called 'Asperger's syndrome', and I am also a follower of this Christ.

I have many interests and hobbies, some of which have revealed things to me which must be shared with the world, whether they will listen or not - which is usually not. Included are music - I play guitar, keyboard, harmonica and recorder, but not with any great excellence. I also write poetry and songs, and have made my own music album called 'Something Else Came Round Every Time'. I can translate the Biblical languages of Koine Greek, Hebrew and a little Aramaic reasonably well, and study these and other scriptures. I play a little golf, and have a small course in my garden for use with practice balls. I enjoy watching films and TV shows, and listening to music albums. But even better I like mixing them and discovering and experiencing audio/visual synchronicity. I enjoy taking drugs, mainly cannabis, which also improves the perception of audio/visual synchronicity, and is a big help with my autistic symptoms. I am also a transvestite, becoming female sometimes and being called Jennifer.

I have much to say. I hope people will listen, and not just say I am crazy and the things I say are ridiculous, without even checking for themselves whether the things I say are so or not. Look and you will see. Don't look and you will not see. Do not judge until you have seen for yourself.