Monday 19 September 2011

More Thoughts On The Pattern

When I did my experiments to discover the nature of the Pattern, I took it seriously, treated it with respect and reverence and never overdid it nor abused it. The Pattern was revealed to me because I myself was synchronised with the Pattern.

Imagine a computer transferring a bunch of 8 bit binary information using 1 and 0. These eight digits form a binary number, and each number represents a letter of the alphabet. This stream of information then represents a message written in English, like these sentences, and it makes perfect sense. But this message is continuous, perhaps repeating, or part of a larger message, and you are intercepting it in the middle of its transmission. Since there is no gap between the letters, and each letter is made of eight pieces in series, there would be only one correct starting point with each letter and seven incorrect ones. So for example if you started at the fifth digit and take the next eight digits to form your first letter, your second letter also begins at the fifth digit. You would thus get a completely different set of numbers and related letters from the same stream of information.

It would be complete nonsense, without any kind of recognisable pattern in it - even though the pattern is still there in the stream of information, remaining hidden from you. Even if by some amazing chance it DID make clear English sentences, it would still be completely different to the ACTUAL message which is encoded into the information stream. You would have to ensure the way you were reading it is perfectly synchronised with the way it was written in order to get the right message.

Consider the experiment results I posted here a while ago. I had asked God - the Pattern himself - to show me some specific information about an extremely uncertain future, as well as something happening far away I have no knowledge of. And apparently the Pattern heard me, answered me, and what I received by plucking out a small section of this great stream of the Pattern was absolutely perfectly correct. My plucking was at just the right moment, in just the right way to be synchronised with my decryption of the information stream. The Pattern was revealed to me, just as it was in all the experiments I did.

Probability clearly shows that it's EXTREMELY unlikely that it would be synchronised by chance every time, so it seems the Pattern had allowed me the glimpses at it all the times I tried, but if I do more experiments in the future, it might not. While the underlying Pattern should still be there, I might not be synchronised with it, and even if I am synchronised just by chance, the variable "message" part of it may still be incomprehensible to me. The Pattern itself chooses.

This is very important to consider if you choose to experiment and have dealings with the Pattern. It is not like examining a regular machine that always behaves in the same way; you are dealing with what appears to be a living being, which has character and choice. You must be synchronised with the Pattern, and also do what "pleases" it in order to receive the correct interpretation of the information stream plucked from the fabric of reality.