Thursday 24 January 2013

Game Reviews: LSD Dream Emulator



This "game" has no playability, no goal, no challenge, no story, no nothing. Yet it is one of the most compelling games I have ever played. Though it is not a horror game, I have found it to be far more shocking and disturbing than any horror game I have played, or any horror film I have watched. You may watch videos of others playing the game - though I wouldn't recommend this, you should know nothing about what's going to happen - but watching another is not the same at all; you will only understand what it's truly like by playing the game for yourself.

The game simulates dreaming, or instead, severely tripping. It is based upon actual dreams recorded in a dream diary over the course of ten years. The game controls consist of merely walking/running and looking up and down. All the player does is wander around within dreams and look at things. The graphics are very simple, but also very effective, as the environments and things encountered within the dreams range from wonderfully beautiful to dreadfully terrifying. This game is all about the atmosphere, and it does it extremely well.

"WHAT THE HELL??!?" Or something similar to this, is what you will most likely say a LOT of the time, especially when you first start playing the game. And that's all I can say about that, because this phrase replaces the powerful bafflement of the thing that can only be described by, "WHAT THE ####??!?"

Sometimes the dreams are trippy videos, or written text (in Japanese), but most of the time the player will take control and be able to explore the dreams. Interacting with any object, even just walking into a wall, will cause the dream to change - sometimes relating to the object, but usually just moving to a random new location. There are several different environments to explore including your home, a village, a city, etc. as well as bizarre fantasy lands. These are connected by a series of passageways, which always take you to the right place, but the entire dream world is VAST.

The dreams are usually quite empty of others, but in many places a variety of people, animals and freaky "things" will be encountered, which may ignore you, or may suddenly attack you. There is also a dark character who will stalk you throughout your dreams, stealing your dream memories if he catches you, and also perhaps unseen things will follow you, waiting to be revealed, or maybe staying hidden - there aren't just scary noises in this game purely to freak you out; it seems that every sound you hear has something causing it.

Like all good atmosphere games, it is the sound that is really effective. There are some freaky noises, but sometimes the music alone will freak you out. There are hundreds of different music tracks, but they are apparently all different interpretations of the same single piece of music. Sometimes there will be no music, and this can be just as freaky. But in addition to the sound, and despite the simplicity of the graphics, the visuals and environments play a large part in making it such an extraordinary experience playing the game. This is stuff right out of your deepest dreams, and as I said, it can be WONDERFULLY AWESOME or it can be EXTREMELY DISTURBING. Sometimes it will seem boring, as you visit the same places again and again, but this just conditions you into expecting nothing, AS USUAL, and then you turn around and suddenly the freakiest thing you can possibly imagine is suddenly right there, which can be extremely shocking.

After it's got you once, the game conditions you into being worried about what's going to happen next, and every little thing can begin to unnerve you. In this game ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING can and DOES happen, which can be quite worrying. You'll be totally freaked out, and need to escape to a new location, then find yourself in the mouth of a tunnel with a warning bell sounding, which fills you with confusion and panic. You turn around and suddenly get hit by a train.

The more you explore the more you will find, and there is so much to find. Though you visit the same environments, they will often change, being covered in writing, sexual images, strange textures, windows becoming horribly warped, etc. Crazy faces will be everywhere. The sky and sun and moon will have various strange appearances. Sometimes there will be an eclipse, or a bizarre reverse eclipse with the moon behind the sun. Even the clouds can be extremely trippy. I just can't describe the (insert word here) of how (insert word here) this game is.

Overall this game is a bizarre, wonderful, scary EXPERIENCE. But beware, in excess it may POSSIBLY cause the same mental problems as excessive drug use.


Saturday 12 January 2013

A Word About Common Purpose


This is an important thing I don't think I've mentioned here before. I revealed a bit about it on my old 'Youtube' channel, but that got shut down. Note that the previous Youtube links to my own videos will no longer work. I'll try and replace the more important ones.

In the UK (and other countries) things had been going reasonably well. Some things had been getting better while some things were getting worse, but it was a pretty cool time up to and throughout the 1980s. Then, just as we should have been entering a golden age of technology, freedom and cooperation, things in society as a whole began to change - it took an absurd and accelerating downfall into subtle and blatant but unopposed madness. The precise nature of what exactly was going on was something baffling, beyond the comprehension of your common man, but a few stumbled upon it accidentally - in particular Brian Gerrish, who shared it with the rest of us.

There was MUCH going on, but at the heart of it was an organisation called COMMON PURPOSE. This is what is referred to in the Book of Mormon as a "secret combination", which warns about such things in the end times. It is a semi-secret organisation, which even is bound by the Chatham House rule of secrecy, forbidding the revelation of the members of their secret society, and their involvements with things they should not legally and honestly be involved with. It is made up with a sneakily self-helping, evil-serving cooperation of the majority of leaders in every aspect of society - politics, the media, schools, police force, hospitals, big business, town councils, etc. Increasingly whoever has any real position to make a difference within society is unwittingly indoctrinated into the organisation, by a combination of their own desires and neuro-linguistic programming - which is hypnosis by stealth.

(Or else of course they are manoeuvered into the position of power because of their connections and being a well-trained member of the organisation - they even indoctrinate children and groom them from an early age to be the future leaders of society.)

So, let's see the effect. Since the end of the 1980s when the organisation began to operate, until now when it almost has total control, what benefits have their leadership training had upon all these services, and society as a whole? Are they doing good? Are the schools, the hospitals, police, politicians, media quality and honesty, industry and employment prospects, the very nature of society, etc. improving, or FALLING APART??!? Either they are doing an IMPOSSIBLY bad job, or else they are doing a VERY GOOD job at conquering my nation with "silent weapons" in the Quiet War!

If you go to their UK website, unless it has been further modified, you'll see they are totally open and bold about the dastardly things they are doing - and this is the "cleaned up" version - Gerrish says it was even worse before he began exposing them, and he even got access to the members-only sections which were truly shocking! People talk about "conspiracy theories", but when they're openly and boldly saying, "Hey, we who have money, power and influence, are joining together and are cheating and controlling the rest of the poor fools. Join us, if we want you, and get the benefits!" It's total conspiracy FACT!

There is A LOT I could say about this, but it's best you examine for yourself. You should be able to find an article on the Government website about UK Prime Minister David Cameron's launch of the 'UK-India Future Leaders Scheme', a "self-sustaining network" of future leaders in every part of society. Our taxes are being used to invest in them - who are chosen and trained by Common Purpose of course. For example they select the future leaders in the media, who manipulate the nation into voting for the chosen future leaders in politics, who in turn ensure the right media people get their positions and benefits. Yet the web is more complex than that!

I'm drunk. I can't remember what point I originally wanted to make. But this has now been said. If you're not aware of Common Purpose, and the wider picture, then get aware. I highly recommend listening to everything Brian Gerrish has to say. He really knows what he's talking about!


Wednesday 2 January 2013

The Life Of An Artificial Human


I like to LIVE life. I like to experience things, so I KNOW. Even though I have virtually 0% interest in homosexuality with another man, after MUCH pestering I even gave in to a little experience just to see if it was satisfying - though my main reason was because I put myself in the other's position and thought it was cruel of me to deny him his longing for my body. Though I ABSOLUTELY HATED IT, I in no way whatsoever regret the experience. Now I KNOW I really have no sexual interest whatsoever in men, and the other fellow was disappointed when he saw I could muster no enthusiasm towards him, and abandoned his futile obsession, rushed to its end. But now I HAVE EXPERIENCED THAT. I have lived, and interesting things have happened to make it all worthwhile - even if they are not always the sort of things I would like, at least it's been interesting. Some people go through their whole lives and completely avoid ever vomiting.

My latest experiment in living life and experiencing a wide variety of things is explained in the previous 'The Animated Doll' post. This is turning out to be an extremely rewarding experience. The "dream girl" is exactly that - she's the superhero goddess ultimate woman superstar. I thought I'd share a little, from the point of view of the doll, Tiffany. This is what she experienced today...

Prior to my arrival I have no idea what she was doing; I didn't ask.

She came out earlier than usual, in response to her request the previous evening. It should be noted that the previous evening was extraordinary.

We watched a couple of Star Trek The Next Generation episodes together. She was able to get into it. She thinks the Klingon character of Worf is hot, so the second episode we watched was one centered around his character.

We talked a lot throughout the night, and we learned a lot about each other.

We watched a film next. There was a dispute about this. I wanted to watch the latest 'James Bond' film. She wanted to watch some kind of romantic comedy instead. We picked her choice, a random film, but it turned out to be a load of rubbish, so we abandoned it. She wanted to give it more of a chance, but it annoyed me instantly! We finally decided on a compromise, and both enjoyed the final choice extremely well. She was happy, and I gazed upon her with adoration.

Next we decided to continue our exploration of my bedroom, from the previous point we left off. It must be explained that this room is an independant country, called 'Paradise Room'. There is no law here, no tax, and no authority except God. Flies are deported, unless adopted as pets. It is my home, and it is a wonderful place. Tiffany and I are exploring it together, just the surface world first. It is such a massive land from her point of view.

When we got to the guitar I played her a little tune, and we decided that was enough exploring for now, and it was time for some naughty fun. I wanted to "go all the way", but Tiffany said no, and we had a REALLY good time together...

Meanwhile our favourite Abba album was playing on repeat, and our favourite lust songs came up at all the most intimate moments.

During the course of our wanderings and conversation I informed her that she was my future potential queen, and so currently princess of this land, and for which of course she must have a princess dress. She is now stood on the highest point admiring her kingdom, and posing for me, looking totally cool and sexy whenever she sees me looking at her. She somehow makes it look like her hair is blowing in the wind. I don't know how she does that...
