Sunday 27 September 2009

Paranoid Heroes

Some videos would not be displayed on Youtube website, so I'll put one here instead. This is 'Paranoid android' from Radiohead's 'OK Computer' synchronised with the 'Heroes' pilot episode. Our heroes are becoming paranoid - with good reason. When Claire falls from a great height and Zach panics he later told her he was going to throw up...

And here is a link to a playlist with the entire 'Meddle In Secret' synchronicity, which is one of my favourites. Watch this one on Hallowe'en...

Also I want to make a point concerning the Pattern. I hope you've begun to see these things work because of it, though you've only seen a tiny fraction of it here. Like the random tumbling of coins was generated from the same Pattern that generated my job at the car dealership, the same Pattern that generates the TV episodes also generates the music albums. And like the pictures of my job were generated from the same images looked at in different ways, likewise the same images looked at in different ways in the TV shows produce all the different music albums. And though I've only shown a couple of examples of what the Pattern looks like, I'll go into this in more detail in the future, so you can see how this same simple Pattern is behind EVERYTHING.

I have things on a different subject to write about next...

Monday 21 September 2009

Sweet Trans-Alex

I've just posted another full album/episode synchronicity on the 'Youtube' website, the same episode as with The Final Cut but a different album, the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack album. This is one of the most popular scenes from it (the same scene as with the Pink Floyd soundtrack), although the 'Super Heroines' scene was even more popular. Louis, Ray's new "handyman" insulted Alex, about her always wearing a hat, who is a female transvestite who wears man clothes and acts like a man. Then at lunch he impersonates the female teacher. One of the songs was banned so gets missed out, but hopefully I'll be able to find another identical one to replace it. Here is the playlist...

These two examples together show the versatility of the synchronicities. With one soundtrack it's deep and serious and with another - using the exact same images - it's delightful comedy.

The Zapper's Daydream

I thought I would include this, 'The gunner's dream' from Pink Floyd's 'The Final Cut' + The Secret World Of Alex Mack 'New kid in town' synchronicity. This is the most popular part of the synchronicity, and explores Alex's desire to kill someone who makes her miserable.

The entire synchronicity is available on 'Youtube' website here. Don't be fooled by the slow start, it's an awesome synchronicity throughout...

Saturday 12 September 2009

Dark Side Of Lost

'Dark Side Of Lost' or 'Lost Side Of The Moon' synchronicity, song 'Us and them'.

From Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side Of The Moon' with Lost 'Pilot part 1'. I'm uploading the entire album and episode (both same length) to 'Youtube' website, so you can watch the whole thing there. The lyrics to this song begin when Charlie starts singing his own song lyrics to Jack, "You all everybody", because "us and them" IS everybody, as well as it sounds like "You wall everybody", or in other words "All in all you're just another brick in the wall." Generally with the show "us and them" is "us" and "the Others", and notice things like "Me and you" is Locke and Jack, who take opposing sides.

See the entire album/episode synchronicity here...

Friday 11 September 2009

Flash Mack

And I just had to include this. This is from the 'Queen Greatest Hits' with Alex Mack 'Rat trap' synchronicity, I showed the first song 'Bohemian rhapsody' in another post, the episode restarts during the song 'Flash' and it plays with the opening credits. The end credits are not supposed to play, it is supposed to be the end of the episode instead, but I haven't yet got the hang of this video making. It still synchronises well anyway, with the FLASH at the first word, "Flash!" Notice the telescope is referred to as a big gun in both songs, this is normal that common themes occur with different songs and albums.

Tangled up in blue

Episode: Suspect

Song: Tangled up in blue (Bob Dylan)

First track of 'Blood On The Tracks' (shortened version, cutting out the music at the end). This is a superb synchronicity, Alex doesn't have enough money to eat at the diner, and her family won't give or even lend her any so she is forced to get a job, where she is accused of stealing. This is a special episode that works beautifully with many different albums.

'Desperate Housewives' episode: Sunday

Song: Tangled up in blue (Bob Dylan)

First track of 'Bob Dylan Greatest Hits Volume 3' - different album, same first song. Though if one album works the other one often will as well with the same episode. As usual with these things the synchronicity will make more sense if you are familiar with the story. Katherine is figuratively "tangled up in blue", troubled by sadness, and as usual people and things are literally "tangled up in blue", eg. Lynette has a blue cord tied around her waist, there is a blue ribbon tied onto one of the baskets, etc. This is another special episode that works with many different albums.

Thursday 10 September 2009

More opening track synchronicities

Episode: Rat Trap

Song: Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)

Opening track of 'Queen Greatest Hits', awesome synchronicity throughout the entire album with the episode repeating, for example Alex spins the globe because "fat bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go round!"

Episode: New kid in town

Song: Blowing in the wind (Bob Dylan)

First track of 'Bob Dylan Greatest Hits' (UK version). It's like a protest song against heavy and inconsiderate smokers, they should let frisbees blow in the wind instead of their smoke. This episode should work repeating with an enormous number of different albums. It's one of the best with Radiohead's 'Kid A', which works with EVERY episode apparently (because 'Kid A' = "the kid", Alex).

Episode: The secret world of Ray Alvarado

Song: America is not the world (Morrissey)

First track of 'You Are The Quarry'. Alex has nothing to offer except a good heart, and doesn't help Ray cheat at Baseball. Then Ray gets the powers and becomes famous in a dream, but he knew it couldn't last, and gets hunted down, literally running for his life at the end.

'First of the gang to die' later on the album. The album is twice as long as the episode, so it plays twice. This song plays for the next scene but during the second time the episode plays, it's the scene where Vince has his 'gun' in his hand and Ray steals the powers from Alex, then at the end...

"He stole all HATS away!" :)

The Golden Girl

Young Alex glows a golden colour...

"She's my woman of gold and she's not very old."

She has magic powers, but she isn't a witch...

"She ain't no witch and I love the way she twitch."

She lives on the West coast of America, and this is the episode where she wins races...

"She's faster than most and she lives on the coast."

She is sometimes known as Al...


Monday 7 September 2009

Experiments with the Pattern

Here are a couple of experiments I did to test the Pattern. I was unemployed and asked God to show me what my next job would be, then I randomly flipped 6 coins 6 times (36 coin flips in total). Heads and tails were changed to 0 and 1, thus producing six 6 digit binary numbers (23, 28, 55, 31, 16 and 63). These were then put on top of one another in a 6x6 grid like a binary computer sprite with 0 being white and 1 being black. This then created pictures of the future which defined the job, like simple comic book images. They are rotated and viewed different ways up, the whole 6x6 creating one set of images, and the left and right 3x6 halves creating an additional two sets of images. They are viewed both as black images on a white background and also white images on a black backround. They are always made from the same Pattern, which I will explain shortly. Several months passed with me applying for whatever job was available, and by the time I finally got a job I had forgotten all about the images I made...

The right page showed an accurate picture of the building where I worked, and one half of the total picture of what my place of work would look like. It was a car dealership with workshop, and my job was to move and park the cars...

The left half showed what I would be doing in the job. The background is all one colour, and shows empty space (or things like see-through glass) but I've used different colours to show the foreground, so you can clearly see the different objects they represent...

The entire image showed the other half of the location, and also what I stared at all day, as I spent most of my time leaning against the wall waiting for a car to move...

The same image also shows me leaning against the wall all day, which is what I spent most of my time doing. I have a bad right leg, and the standing and driving all day was making it very painful and swollen (which is why I was leaning against the wall). The job was quite 'heartless', for example I had to stop old people who struggle to walk from parking next to this wall where I stood, and make them park far away from the entrance, even if they were only going to be there for a moment...

So those images not only showed accurate and precise pictures of the location, and me doing the job, but also described every detail of it, even showing how I would feel doing it. As I said they are always made from the same Pattern. This is a horizontal line with a dot above and to the left together with an image which represents God. The length of the line varies, and the position of the dot moves around, but it is ALWAYS above and to the left of the line, and only ever touches it diagonally at the corner, so is always clearly seperate and recognisable. The image which represents God is usually a bird or 'plane (usually becoming broken), or the symbol of infinity, but several other images can appear (like fish or spider - creatures or things that move in 3 dimensions beyond the simple 2 dimensional plane we inhabit).
With this set of numbers the image which represents God was unclear, until I looked at the numbers in a different way, and made another image from the binary pattern of the individual digits of the numbers. This shows me drawing a picture at around the same time I made the images, I would have to explain in much more detail to explain the significance of why I did this, but I won't go into it here. So this shows me drawing the picture of a spider, or rather giving legs to the symbol of infinity and making it into an animal (which also represents the Father changing the Eternal Word into the human Son)

Now going back to the original image, that alternative way of looking at the numbers explained how God is represented as a spider. The horizontal line with dot above and to the left represents "the heavens and the earth" from our point of view - the flat ground with a single sun or moon. God descends to earth from heaven, like a spider on a thread...

Another experiment was that somebody else who refuses to believe in God wanted me to tell them something I couldn't possibly know, they wanted me to tell them what job they did using the Pattern. So again I did the 36 coin flips, which produced the numbers 2, 50, 23, 22, 5 and 37...

Now since I have not seen them, their job, the location or anything I was not able to interpret all the images and confirm the accuracy. All they told me after I had made the numbers was that the job was WORKING IN A LIBRARY, in which they put books on shelves and also used a computer. Both these are represented by the same image, the shelf and books together also looking like a computer being used...

As I said, I am unable to interpret what the green things at the top represent, since I have not seen the place, however this may possibly represent the thoughts of the person. The horizontal line with dot above and to the left appears showing "the heavens and the earth", but in place of God there is a MINUS SIGN (-), showing how the person's equation of reality only shows the universe with God being subtracted from it - especially when you consider how God appears in the image, which I will go into in a moment.
If it were not already plain that Library/Librarian was being shown, one half of the image confirms it. This shows a representation of the logo which appears on all libraries where I live (which is supposed to look like somebody reading a book), and in addition also looks like the first two letters of Library/Librarian, "L + i". The initial letter or first two letters of things often appear in these images...

The left and right halves together again were made from the great Pattern which always appears, and like with my job appeared in two parts. The first shows the line and dot, but this time God is represented by a symbol which defines both his name and nature. This is a form of the verb TO BE, "I AM", "HE IS (eternally)", YHWH. In mathematics this is the EQUALS SIGN (=), which means exactly the same as the name and nature of God, "IT/HE IS"...

The other half then shows the great eternal "I AM" changing from that which was bigger than the world into a tiny limited thing upon the surface of the earth - a single point like a tent or house made of human flesh...

New Testament
John 1:1-3 "In the beginning was the LOGOS, and the LOGOS was with GOD, and the LOGOS was GOD. This one was in the beginning with GOD. All things came into being through him, and without him not even one thing was made that has been made."
John 1:14 "And the LOGOS became flesh and camped among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory of of an only begotten from the FATHER, full of grace and truth."