Friday 29 April 2011

Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue


Even though this game is much more varied and interesting than the Riding Camp game, I didn't find it as enjoyable - though it is still a lot of fun. In this one Barbie and her friends arrive at riding school to do a bit of horse riding, but (once again) a storm has resulted in some problems. This time a lot of horses have escaped and become lost along several different trails. Barbie and her friends offer to help bring all the horses back, and you play as Barbie, who seems to be doing most of the work.

You get to choose your own horse, and as more are rescued more become available to use. You can also change the appearance of the horses if you wish, and also Barbie can change her outfit, with more outfits becoming available as Barbie collects coins and gift boxes along the trails. There are three different areas to explore, each with three trails, and if you find all the horses this then unlocks another bonus trail - and finding all the collectables may possibly unlock another. This optional part of the game in addition to finding the horses is the hardest part, as there are many hidden areas to be found and it requires a thorough search to find them all.

On each of the trails there are six foals to be found, and these must be walked and tied to a save point ready to be picked up. This often involves solving simple puzzles, and some of the foals can also be hard to find. Barbie uses objects, climbs and does other things to get to the foals and get them back to the save points. In addition there is one full grown horse to be found on each trail, and these require chasing and catching with a lassoo. This is one of the most fun and challenging parts of the game, especially the last one, which runs around a cave full of hazards. But sometimes one of the other characters catches the horse instead, and decides to take a break and challenges Barbie to a horse race, which she must win instead of catching the horse on that trail.

Apart from the puzzles to be solved, Barbie encounters many hazards along the way, such as jumping over obstacles on horseback, or ducking underneath them - which if she doesn't do she'll get knocked off her horse. There are also things like rolling logs to avoid, and dangerous animals. Some must be avoided completely, while others can be distracted for a while by throwing them food. The animals and other hazards will trouble the horses until they lose all their trust for Barbie. This can be restored by feeding them, and sometimes by praising the horses. They will also get dirty along the way and require cleaning. This can be done by riding around in deep water, where available, or else the horses must be taken back to the stables to be washed in a sort of minigame. Barbie only has one minute to clean the entire horse, and if it is very dirty this can be a little challenge.

In addition to the main game there are a few minigames to play, such as horse racing or catching horses, and these can be played as either one player against the computer or against the clock, or else two player against your friend. Each trail also has the clock minigame, where Barbie has to ride around collecting all the clocks within a time limit for a bonus prize, and this is sometimes quite challenging. One of the areas is icy in places, and this introduces an extra hazard and challenge as the horse slips and slides. Even if a trail has been completed and everything found there, once it has been opened it remains open for Barbie to return to and ride again any time she wants.

Overall this is a fun game, but it can be quite tedious at times, especially if you are trying to collect all the coins, which can be inconveniently scattered about and hidden. Barbie has to continually get off her horse to do things, which can take quite a while. It might be better if there were more of a challenge involved, and the puzzles were harder to figure out, but for a younger player I imagine it might be quite hard. Unlike Riding Camp where most of the things can be done on horseback if preferred, and with long rides, this game doesn't have the same flow, where you're happily riding along uninterrupted. It doesn't have quite the same beauty either, though the scenery is excellent, and it has some great music. So as I said, though it is far more varied and interesting, for a horse riding game it doesn't have quite the same charm as Riding Camp - but still it's very good and well worth a try.


Saturday 23 April 2011

Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp


This one probably won't suit some people's tastes, but I think it is a magnificent game. Barbie and her best friend Teresa have enrolled at riding camp on an island to learn to ride horses. However a recent storm has caused lots of problems for the inhabitants, and they will need some help with various tasks. You play the game as Barbie, and will occasionally encounter Teresa, as well as the other inhabitants, who usually have a cheery greeting to give as Barbie approaches.

What makes this game so great is that Barbie has absolute freedom to explore the island, and go anywhere and do anything - though some things require that Barbie qualifies for them first. It looks and sounds beautiful, and apparently the PC version is even better. There is only a certain time available each day, until darkness begins to fall, accompanied by a gorgeous sunset, and lamp posts switch on. When it becomes too late Barbie gets a 'phone call from Kyle, who arrives to take her back to the stables. She can also call him up any time to do this if she becomes lost, or if her horse needs urgent care, or if she's just too lazy to find her own way back. Though Barbie's 'phone has a useful map and GPS, so getting lost usually isn't a problem. Barbie can choose to ignore Kyle's call and stay up all night if she wants to be naughty, and as night falls the stars come out and the forest sounds quite different.

The horses need care along the way - they need to drink, eat, be groomed and have their hooves cleaned to avoid injury, and there are places scattered about where this can be done. Barbie can also work in the stables caring for the other horses for extra camp credits. These camp credits can also be earned by completing tasks and collecting objects scattered around the island. The credits can be used in the dressing room to purchase new outfits or saddles for the horse, and there is a nice selection available. As a male transvestite, playing the part of Barbie at riding camp is very satisfying! When Barbie tries on new outfits Teresa also comes along to give her opinion, and I find myself agreeing with her comments.

The tasks Barbie has to perform are usually very simple, though I find it very enjoyable riding around doing things, and trying not to get into trouble. There is even an interesting mystery that Barbie solves, beginning with finding a message in a bottle on the beach. My only complaint is that most of the time you are shown exactly where you are supposed to go, and merely have to find your way there by the best route. For example one thing you have to do is find a missing cat, and its precise location is pinpointed for you. I would much rather have had to actually search for it - though I suppose you could cover up your permanent map to make it a little more difficult. Or at one point on my travels I came across some horses wandering on a hill, then later Kyle asked me to find some missing horses. I thought, "Hey! I've seen them - I know where to go!" But of course as usual I was directed straight to their precise location.

The goal of the game is to graduate from riding camp by winning ribbons in several events, which get progressively more difficult. There may only be a certain number of days to do this before Barbie has to leave, though I'm not sure about that yet. You are usually given plenty of opportunity to fail, and it isn't too hard to win the ribbons, though it is likely that you'll mess up in the harder events and have to start again if you're not careful. And you can go back any time to try and improve your times in the events, and this is a lot of fun and very challenging. For example I still haven't managed to complete the show jumping event without knocking off at least one of the bars, and I keep going back to try and do it perfectly - while still beating my previous best time. As you win the ribbons you get access to different horses, and each one is different, and better suited to some of the events. For example some horses are better at jumping, some are faster, and some are better at endurance.

You could even make up your own events to try and complete within a set time. For example you could travel from one side of the island to the other, visiting several difficult to reach locations, and finding and collecting a set number of horse shoes or whatever along the way - while also trying to have the minimum number of accidents, and also keeping your horse well looked after so it doesn't go thirsty or require other care. The adventures you can have are only limited by your imagination!

Overall I find this game to be a wonderful dreamlike experience, like a fondly remembered holiday that I never want to end. Though as I said, others might not enjoy it so much, and may find it boring, especially if they rush through it and don't take the time to immerse themselves in the game. So if you love this sort of thing then I would highly recommend this game, and if perhaps not then it's still worth a try - you never know, you might enjoy it!


Thursday 21 April 2011

Secret Agent Barbie


If you are wanting to try out this game, I highly recommend the Gameboy Advance version. There is also a PC version available, though this will only work with older computers. The PC version is superior in graphics and sound, but far inferior as an actual game. It's a lot more like watching a film, with a lot of cool cutscenes, but with very easy and boring gameplay in between (it also has a different story). But the Gameboy Advance version is entertaining and challenging throughout.

This time Barbie is an international secret agent, called in to investigate the theft of the crown jewels. She must travel to different locations throughout the world, pursuing the villains, discovering their evil plot and put a stop to it, before finally capturing them. Barbie can run, jump, roll, climb, hide and use a variety of spy gadgets to help her in her missions. For example she has a compact with mirror she can throw at guards, which releases a cloud of powder to confuse and blind them, or a robot puppy dog that can scout ahead, sneaking past guards unseen, and get into small spaces, or start barking to distract guards away.

Barbie does not fight the guards. Instead she has to try to sneak past them without being seen, and if she becomes too visible she is captured and the mission is over. The male guards are usually quite lazy and not too hard to avoid, but the female guards are far more dangerous, and will actively chase Barbie, running and jumping after her relentlessly. There are also robot guards to avoid. In addition Barbie must pick a variety of electronic locks to open doors, and this can also be quite challenging.

The game gets more difficult as it progresses, and once it has been completed this unlocks the expert mode, which is even more difficult. In addition there is the option of finding and collecting data disks scattered around as an extra challenge; and finding them all in a mission unlocks extra outfits and gadgets, such as a spy car. The missions are quite exciting, and also involve things like a car chase and speedboat chase, as well as underwater scuba diving. It's a great little adventure!

Overall I recommend this for anyone as a fun little game with great scenery and interesting variety. It's nicely challenging and fun to play.


Barbie Explorer


I include the Barbie games in my reviews as they have a reputation of being boring, easy games for young girls. But not all of them are so, and I wanted to show the exceptions I have discovered. This game above all stands out as being the best of the bunch for the older gamer who is looking for an entertaining challenge. Despite it being reasonably short, the younger players can take years to complete it.

There is a two player option for the game but I'm not sure what this is about. In the one player version you take on the role of Barbie, this time being an archaeologist adventurer in the style of Indiana Jones or Lara Croft. (Though in the game she's actually a reporter, but she's Barbie - she can do anything!) Barbie runs, carefully walks, jumps, rolls, climbs and swings her way through various obstacles, as well as manipulating objects. There is a useful training level to familiarise yourself with all of Barbie's abilities and how to control them. There are also three difficulty levels; easy, medium and hard, which define how many accidents Barbie can have before she dies.

Barbie's mission is to collect four artifacts scattered around the world. The three opening locations can be visited in any order, and in their natural order become progressively more difficult. Once all three have been completed this reveals the fourth mystery location, most difficult of all, where the final artifact can be found. Each location has three levels to complete, usually increasing in difficulty with each one, and ends with a fourth level in which Barbie must get past a creature guarding the artifact. She has no weapons and does not fight, so to deal with the guardians and other creatures along the way that are trying to hurt her, the only option is to avoid them.

The way is pretty much linear throughout each of the levels, so there's no getting lost, although there are side ways to explore and hidden passages. It's mainly a physical challenge throughout requiring skill, but there are also some puzzles requiring thought, some with a time limit. These usually aren't too tricky but can cause problems. For example the first one I encountered was extremely simple, but the way it worked was deceptive and made it appear far more complicated than it actually was. Also one of the puzzles I never managed to figure out, but just got it right by chance. In addition to the main mission Barbie has the option of collecting gemstones along the way, and to find and collect them all makes the game even more difficult than it already is.

Overall the game is quite challenging and exciting, and never gets boring. As it progresses new interesting things appear, for example in Tibet many of the paths are icy and Barbie slips and slides while doing even the most simple of things. My only complaint is that compared to the rest of the levels, the guardian levels were a bit too easy, and could have been more exciting if there were more of a challenge involved. But I would recommend this game to anyone. As Barbie herself says when she completes it...

"It wasn't easy, but it sure was fun!"


Wednesday 13 April 2011

Game Reviews

I plan to do some game reviews of computer games I have enjoyed playing recently. I am a fan of old 8 bit computer games from the 1980s for the Acorn Electron, and I could go on and on about them, but the ones I will be reviewing will be some modern games for a PC (or other game machines that can be emulated on a PC). All these emulators and games can be downloaded for free if you choose from the internet. You can also get an emulator for the Acorn Electron computer, eg. 'Elkulator' or 'Electrem' to play on the PC, and can find a massive number of games for it at the 'StairwayToHell' website. I've also made some videos on my 'Youtube' channel showing some Acorn Electron games synchronised with songs - partly intentionally synchronised and partly by coincidence as usual.

Lately I have become fascinated by 'Barbie' games, in which you play as the popular doll character. These are supposedly for young girls only, and are very simple, but I have found a few really good ones which are interesting, fun to play and quite challenging for anyone. I'll probably be reviewing these first. I've also tried watching a couple of Barbie films as well, and as surprisingly as with some of the games, these have turned out to be very enjoyable to watch. This just goes to show how "if you never try you'll never know what you're missing!"

A popular online multiplayer game I used to play is called 'Runescape', and though I would recommend it I probably won't be reviewing this one. I enjoyed it in the past, but then there was a significant change to it that ruined the main part of what was so good about it. Still, like some other online multiplayer games, this is a good 'virtual world' for people who live far apart to meet and engage in activities together, and get to know each other better than just by writing words in messages.

I might mention a few others, but these are the games I will be planning to review. Some appear identical played on different machines, but some are quite different, or else don't appear at all on other machines. Even if I don't get around to reviewing them, these are ones I highly recommend checking out...

Barbie Explorer - Playstation
Secret Agent Barbie - Gameboy Advance
Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp - Playstation 2
Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue - Playstation 2
Detective Barbie: The Mystery Cruise - Playstation
Barbie Super Sports - Playstation

Puzzle Pirates - online multiplayer
Legend Of Edda - online multiplayer
Pirates Of The Burning Sea - online multiplayer

The Movies - PC
Silent Hill 3 - PC
Army Men RTS - PC
LSD Dream Emulator - Playstation
Rule Of Rose - Playstation 2
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds - Playstation 2
Artificial Girl 3 (with English subtitles) - PC
Kari Virtual Girlfriend - PC

There are other good games I would recommend that could be played either directly or emulated on a PC, and I might mention them, but these are mainly ones that have stood out as exceptional, or at least noteworthy in some way, and that I would never tire of playing it seems.

As a final note, another couple of games worthy of mention (but which I probably won't review) are the Bruno R. Marcos Star Wars games. These are excellent games Marcos has written and offers free. One is called 'The Battle Of Yavin', which is based on the classic Star Wars game, based on the space battle at the end of episode IV. The other is called 'The Battle Of Endor' and is based on the space battle at the end of episode VI. Get them here...

Friday 1 April 2011