Monday 26 October 2009


This is the response I got back from my MP which completely ignored what I said about how the persistent trails opposed to the science of normal contrail formation are definitely NOT "normal contrails"...


I write in response to your e-mail of the 13 October regarding trails from aircraft. I have been contacted by another constituent about this matter and made enquiries with my colleagues in the Department for Food Environment and Rural Affairs.

A common conspiracy theory claims that these trails are actually "chemicals or biological agents sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public".

DEFRA confirm that such a theory has absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever and, as such, is not scientifically recognised.

Condensation trails, however, are often emitted by high flying aircraft. These are commonly known as contrails and are composed very simply of ice crystals and water vapour caused by the combustion process.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Regards and best wishes


No basis in fact whatsoever???!??!? What I wrote about how the government has ADMITTED to "chemicals or biological agents sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public" has also clearly been completely ignored. I WOULD CALL THAT A FACT! Here is the Guardian article detailing how Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker has managed to get the information about it released, and also how the spraying is NONE OF THE PUBLIC'S BUSINESS...

Clearly the letter I received contradicts this information, conveniently ignoring actual facts, and assuring me that everything is OK and there is NO SUCH THING as the government has already admitted to!


I've just received a letter from the House Of Commons. I don't have time now to look at this, but I will report on what it says later...

Ignored by Member of Parliament

As I said I wrote an email to my local MP concerning the chemtrails, and I referenced the government's admittance of the spraying "tests" in the past, and the obvious nature of the current spraying - since these are "current operations" the government refuses to release information about what is happening. I immediately got back a reply saying she gets a lot of mail, but I would most likely get a response within 10 days. It has now been 2 weeks, and I have got no response back at all. Of course I cannot know whether my email even reached the MP, but either way it seems what I wrote has been completely ignored, though I said that I was extremely worried about it, and more and more people are beginning to become aware of it.

However there WAS a change in the spraying, it has now become a lot more covert and less obvious. When the sky has been clear during the day I have not seen a single trail across the sky, where previously it was covered in them. But on a cloudy day I could clearly make out a thick trail going across the sky, almost invisible against the cloud background, which I would not have seen if I wasn't looking carefully, and I've also seen the spread out trails left hours previously, which are a lot less obvious and resemble normal cloud.

Today is cloudy again, but for a brief time a lot of the cloud cleared up, revealing the usual extreme chemtrail activity, now hidden by the cloud again. Note that this is mainly done early in the morning when people are either asleep or rushing off to work, too busy to notice it. The only previous time there has been a cease to the trails since I started observing was when the windspeed was high, and others have confirmed that chemtrail laying ceases when the wind gets above a certain speed.

So it seems more drastic measures must be undertaken to try and get more people to become aware of what is going on, writing to your local MP will do nothing except make it less obvious to the public!

Friday 16 October 2009

Submit to the HIGHEST authority

This post is for Christians, and also for those who don't share the faith but still view the New Testament as a book of fine wisdom.

In the "last days" - which according to all the signs and prophecies is NOW - many preachers will be trained to do the devil's work, and will deceive the people. They will be working for the Earthly government, the New World Order, instead of working for God. It is certain that they will use this quote from the New Testament against you...

Romans 13:1-7
Let every soul be subject to higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, but the existing authorities have been ordained by God. So that whoever resists the authority has opposed the ordinance of God, and whoever opposes will receive judgment to themselves. For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. And do you not want to fear the authority? Do the good and you will have praise from it, for he is a servant of God to you for the good. But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain - for he is a servant of God, an avenger for wrath to the one practising evil.
Because of this it is necessary to be subject, not only because of wrath but also because of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are ministers of God, for this very thing, always giving attention. Then give to all their dues - to the one due tax, the tax, to the one due tribute, the tribute, to the one due fear, the fear, to the one due honour, the honour.

Now this makes it plain that the government authority should be obeyed - because it is set up by God for the good of the people, to do the work of God on Earth, rewarding the good and punishing the evil. However, if you look at your own government you can plainly see whether it is this authority from God which is to be obeyed, or if it is something else...

-Is the devil/serpent/dragon/beast at the head of it? We are commanded to RESIST the devil in every way, Christ died to set us free from being ruled over by him.

-Does it reward what is truly good, and punish what is truly evil? If not then it is not doing what God gave it authority to do.

-Does it do good itself, and not do what is evil? God does not authorise evil, and there are no evil ministers of God.

-Does it require a fair tax, and use the money for doing what God authorised it to do? If not then there is no requirement to pay to help fund further evil. A worker should not get paid if he doesn't do his job!

-Is it earning its tax? Do any of its members deserve tribute, fear and honour? That is up to you to decide.

So it's quite plain that the coming New World Order is NOT to be obeyed, it is to be opposed - the devil is the enemy of God, and to follow the devil is to reject God. His government is definitely NOT a government with God's authority, set up by God for our good. The government will be set up to enslave us, and whatever government arises or is currently in power that does not agree with the description in Romans 13 of the government set up by God, then this must certainly be an evil government, and it does not have the authority which comes from God - IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF PEOPLE TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO, PRETENDING TO BE A HIGHER AUTHORITY!

"There is no authority, except from God."

Also beware of the devil setting himself up to appear to be the true and living God when he comes, but if you read the book of Revelation and other end time prophecies then his coming should be plain. And of course if you have faith then pray for wisdom and guidance.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

The Quiet War

This is another subject where I don't know where to begin. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and you will almost certainly have a natural reaction - a conditioned response - that tells you that much, or indeed all of what I will write here is utter nonsense. Now if you want to know truth you search it out, you make observations, do experiments and make arguments based on sound logic and reasoning, and take all things from several different sources and viewpoints, rather than getting a biased view. Under no circumstances do you simply guess, without any knowledge at all, or just a few 'official' stories - unless you are a blind fool. So likewise if you want to know if the things I write here are true or not you should examine them properly for yourself. To not do so means you have been conditioned by a mass hypnosis, and I would urge you to recognise this strange automatic reaction WHICH IS CLEARLY OPPOSED TO DISCOVERING TRUTH, and resist it. Are you an intelligent person or a blind fool? Make your choice now...

I will begin with something that needs to be urgently brought to people's attention, so if you do not read all of what I write at least this first part has been said to you. Fifteen to twenty years or so ago, and further in the past aeroplanes would fly by, and sometimes they would leave a trail behind them in the sky. This almost always vanished in seconds, though they sometimes can last a little longer. Look into your memory and your old photographs, even watch old films and TV shows and notice what the sky is like. We still see this today, these condensation trails, or "contrails" will sometimes appear behind an aeroplane when the atmospheric conditions are right, and there is a simple science behind it.

But in addition to these, and beginning worldwide and extremely heavily since around 1998 there have been aeroplanes leaving another kind of trail behind them. This is not a normal contrail, as can often be proved because it is against the laws of science. This is a CHEMTRAIL. I strongly recommend searching out information about these things, they are actually chemicals - sometimes in the fuel - which are being sprayed out above our heads continually. And it's BAD stuff. The governments deny this is occurring, or else refuse to comment about it - though some have admitted it's been done in the past (UK government confirms) - they LIE and tell us that these chemical trails are normal contrails. Do your research, use your common sense, and you will plainly see that these are CHEMTRAILS and the public is being sprayed without their knowledge or consent. I have just written to my local MP about this, it should be interesting to see what response I get back - if any.

(Notice the way it is efficiently laid out to cover maximum area?)

In addition to this intentional and unnecessary poisoning of the sky and the air we breathe (with both chemical and biological poisons), which also poisons the land and rivers, the water supply is additionally poisoned, mainly with Sodium Fluoride. This, like many other things, we are told is for our own good, to make our teeth healthier. But all sane scientists agree this is not the case, and the levels we ingest are DANGEROUSLY high - especially if you use toothpaste or mouthwash as well. This is used to poison the brains of the population, especially the developing children, and lower their intelligence, not allowing them to use their brains to full capacity. With the children they also make the examinations easier, and all about simply repeating the facts - which is incomplete or faulty truth now being taught to further keep the next generation from becoming too clever and informed. In fact often it looks like the children are getting smarter, but this is illusion - the examinations are becoming easier to pass, which hides the real decline which is going on.

There is MUCH to say on this subject, but I'll end for now and go on later. These two points alone...
...should be investigated, but that is far from all that is going on. All these things are attacks - 'chemtrails' are (or were) listed by name in American government documents as chemical and biological weapons for example. But most likely you do not even realise that you are under attack, and this is the most excellent strategy. These are examples of 'silent weapons', and there is no doubt that these are being used against the citizens of the world by some VERY greedy men, who want to own all wealth and rule the world in a single world government and world bank and world army, often referred to as the New World Order. You will often hear that phrase used by politicians or in newspapers, and there is a constant drive towards setting it up "for the good of the people". It is the same organisation that produced Nazi Germany, and it will be exactly the same as that, except much more technological and powerful, and WORLDWIDE!


More coming soon...