I will begin with something that needs to be urgently brought to people's attention, so if you do not read all of what I write at least this first part has been said to you. Fifteen to twenty years or so ago, and further in the past aeroplanes would fly by, and sometimes they would leave a trail behind them in the sky. This almost always vanished in seconds, though they sometimes can last a little longer. Look into your memory and your old photographs, even watch old films and TV shows and notice what the sky is like. We still see this today, these condensation trails, or "contrails" will sometimes appear behind an aeroplane when the atmospheric conditions are right, and there is a simple science behind it.
But in addition to these, and beginning worldwide and extremely heavily since around 1998 there have been aeroplanes leaving another kind of trail behind them. This is not a normal contrail, as can often be proved because it is against the laws of science. This is a CHEMTRAIL. I strongly recommend searching out information about these things, they are actually chemicals - sometimes in the fuel - which are being sprayed out above our heads continually. And it's BAD stuff. The governments deny this is occurring, or else refuse to comment about it - though some have admitted it's been done in the past (UK government confirms) - they LIE and tell us that these chemical trails are normal contrails. Do your research, use your common sense, and you will plainly see that these are CHEMTRAILS and the public is being sprayed without their knowledge or consent. I have just written to my local MP about this, it should be interesting to see what response I get back - if any.

(Notice the way it is efficiently laid out to cover maximum area?)
In addition to this intentional and unnecessary poisoning of the sky and the air we breathe (with both chemical and biological poisons), which also poisons the land and rivers, the water supply is additionally poisoned, mainly with Sodium Fluoride. This, like many other things, we are told is for our own good, to make our teeth healthier. But all sane scientists agree this is not the case, and the levels we ingest are DANGEROUSLY high - especially if you use toothpaste or mouthwash as well. This is used to poison the brains of the population, especially the developing children, and lower their intelligence, not allowing them to use their brains to full capacity. With the children they also make the examinations easier, and all about simply repeating the facts - which is incomplete or faulty truth now being taught to further keep the next generation from becoming too clever and informed. In fact often it looks like the children are getting smarter, but this is illusion - the examinations are becoming easier to pass, which hides the real decline which is going on.
There is MUCH to say on this subject, but I'll end for now and go on later. These two points alone...
...should be investigated, but that is far from all that is going on. All these things are attacks - 'chemtrails' are (or were) listed by name in American government documents as chemical and biological weapons for example. But most likely you do not even realise that you are under attack, and this is the most excellent strategy. These are examples of 'silent weapons', and there is no doubt that these are being used against the citizens of the world by some VERY greedy men, who want to own all wealth and rule the world in a single world government and world bank and world army, often referred to as the New World Order. You will often hear that phrase used by politicians or in newspapers, and there is a constant drive towards setting it up "for the good of the people". It is the same organisation that produced Nazi Germany, and it will be exactly the same as that, except much more technological and powerful, and WORLDWIDE!
More coming soon...
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