Sunday 4 April 2010


It's been a while since I posted anything new about the New World Order warnings, there is much to say, but here is a little aside into something important.

First just a brief note about chemtrails. You can use this method to scientifically prove that certain low level trails are chemtrails and NOT "normal contrails" (Use clouds for height approximation)...

And just another brief point about DISINFORMATION AGENTS. They continually go about using lies and trickery, attacking truth tellers and creating doubt about the truth they are telling. But they are easy to recognise if you know what you are looking for...

But what I really want to get into here is SELF DEFENSE. The criminals rule the streets, especially at night, and 'normal' people are usually too afraid to go out, especially in certain areas, and are constant helpless victims. The same would be true if the governments took over and turned against the people, most people would be unable to fight back effectively - especially in places like Britain where firearms are forbidden. This agenda of disarming the people began long ago and happens gradually - it began in the 16th century in Britain, and is currently going on in America.

Now people who do not want to be victims can take self defense courses, and usually get some kind of martial arts training. This can be very useful, will give you confidence which makes you much less likely to be seen as a potential target, however in most REAL-LIFE situations you will be scared, heart racing, etc. and things will happen far too quickly for you to be able to think. Unless you've had many years of training and are an expert in such situations you are going to freeze and not be able to think clearly at all. And any complex moves you have learned, even if you remember them, will turn out to be useless in actual real-life situations. Here is an example, even by an experienced fighter...

Lt. Col. William E. Fairbairn discovered this when he was working as a police officer on rough streets between the first and second world wars. After learning many different martial arts and fighting techniques he took a little from many of them and simplified it. He found that in real-life situations only the simplest "gross motor movements" techniques were actually effective. These could be learned very quickly and came naturally to people, and could be used by anyone, no matter how big, strong or fit they were. Whether tired, scared, injured, whatever, these would never fail in real life combat situations. Unlike martial arts and other fighting techniques where there are rules and fairness, and are used in competitions, real fighting techniques which happened on the streets and in combat needed to be totally brutal.

The basic point is not to get into any dangerous situation in the first place, but if it should arise, at the very first sign of trouble the victim should explode into the attacker with a series of brutal, simple, "dirty" attacks until they are subdued. Usually this involves constantly pushing forwards into the attacker (in the correct way) so they are constantly off-balance stumbling backwards and unable to fight back. At which point either they can be "finished off", or else the victim can make their escape in safety. Fairbairn then taught these techniques to World War II soldiers. Here is an example of his training...

Modern techniques are now being taught based on these old reliable methods. One move that especially needs to be considered is the often ridiculed "judo chop", also known as "ax-hand" or "edge of hand blow". This is extremely effective if delivered to the correct spots with sufficient force, here is an example - this is one correct way to effectively deal with the knife threat shown earlier...

I highly recommend learning these "close combat" techniques, also known as Defendu which Fairbairn developed. Carl Cestari was a student and has given some great training, get this knowledge while it is available to the public - but even better get some personal training in the techniques. Here is some stuff to get you started...

Captain Chris shows a couple of moves on TV...

Close Combat article in 'Black Belt' magazine, includes another great knife defence from the hands up position...

Carl Cestari explains the most effective way to train...

Carl Cestari 'rock crusher'...

For firearms. Applegate shooting method...

Take back your world, do not fear, be prepared for anything.