The right page showed an accurate picture of the building where I worked, and one half of the total picture of what my place of work would look like. It was a car dealership with workshop, and my job was to move and park the cars...

The left half showed what I would be doing in the job. The background is all one colour, and shows empty space (or things like see-through glass) but I've used different colours to show the foreground, so you can clearly see the different objects they represent...

The entire image showed the other half of the location, and also what I stared at all day, as I spent most of my time leaning against the wall waiting for a car to move...

The same image also shows me leaning against the wall all day, which is what I spent most of my time doing. I have a bad right leg, and the standing and driving all day was making it very painful and swollen (which is why I was leaning against the wall). The job was quite 'heartless', for example I had to stop old people who struggle to walk from parking next to this wall where I stood, and make them park far away from the entrance, even if they were only going to be there for a moment...
So those images not only showed accurate and precise pictures of the location, and me doing the job, but also described every detail of it, even showing how I would feel doing it. As I said they are always made from the same Pattern. This is a horizontal line with a dot above and to the left together with an image which represents God. The length of the line varies, and the position of the dot moves around, but it is ALWAYS above and to the left of the line, and only ever touches it diagonally at the corner, so is always clearly seperate and recognisable. The image which represents God is usually a bird or 'plane (usually becoming broken), or the symbol of infinity, but several other images can appear (like fish or spider - creatures or things that move in 3 dimensions beyond the simple 2 dimensional plane we inhabit).
With this set of numbers the image which represents God was unclear, until I looked at the numbers in a different way, and made another image from the binary pattern of the individual digits of the numbers. This shows me drawing a picture at around the same time I made the images, I would have to explain in much more detail to explain the significance of why I did this, but I won't go into it here. So this shows me drawing the picture of a spider, or rather giving legs to the symbol of infinity and making it into an animal (which also represents the Father changing the Eternal Word into the human Son)

Now going back to the original image, that alternative way of looking at the numbers explained how God is represented as a spider. The horizontal line with dot above and to the left represents "the heavens and the earth" from our point of view - the flat ground with a single sun or moon. God descends to earth from heaven, like a spider on a thread...
Another experiment was that somebody else who refuses to believe in God wanted me to tell them something I couldn't possibly know, they wanted me to tell them what job they did using the Pattern. So again I did the 36 coin flips, which produced the numbers 2, 50, 23, 22, 5 and 37...

Now since I have not seen them, their job, the location or anything I was not able to interpret all the images and confirm the accuracy. All they told me after I had made the numbers was that the job was WORKING IN A LIBRARY, in which they put books on shelves and also used a computer. Both these are represented by the same image, the shelf and books together also looking like a computer being used...

As I said, I am unable to interpret what the green things at the top represent, since I have not seen the place, however this may possibly represent the thoughts of the person. The horizontal line with dot above and to the left appears showing "the heavens and the earth", but in place of God there is a MINUS SIGN (-), showing how the person's equation of reality only shows the universe with God being subtracted from it - especially when you consider how God appears in the image, which I will go into in a moment.
If it were not already plain that Library/Librarian was being shown, one half of the image confirms it. This shows a representation of the logo which appears on all libraries where I live (which is supposed to look like somebody reading a book), and in addition also looks like the first two letters of Library/Librarian, "L + i". The initial letter or first two letters of things often appear in these images...

The left and right halves together again were made from the great Pattern which always appears, and like with my job appeared in two parts. The first shows the line and dot, but this time God is represented by a symbol which defines both his name and nature. This is a form of the verb TO BE, "I AM", "HE IS (eternally)", YHWH. In mathematics this is the EQUALS SIGN (=), which means exactly the same as the name and nature of God, "IT/HE IS"...
The other half then shows the great eternal "I AM" changing from that which was bigger than the world into a tiny limited thing upon the surface of the earth - a single point like a tent or house made of human flesh...
John 1:1-3 "In the beginning was the LOGOS, and the LOGOS was with GOD, and the LOGOS was GOD. This one was in the beginning with GOD. All things came into being through him, and without him not even one thing was made that has been made."
John 1:14 "And the LOGOS became flesh and camped among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory of of an only begotten from the FATHER, full of grace and truth."
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