Tuesday 4 February 2014


Jesus Christ is surely returning soon. I'm expecting him in 2017, but it could really be ANY TIME.

I am a sinful man. Though the world would probably call me a righteous man, as I have been careful to do good to others, and to keep myself pure from nasty things. But before God I am weighed in the balance and found wanting, not suitable for service in the kingdom of God.

I am VERY slow to change, having taken nearly 25 years so far just to get to this point. I am a lover of pleasure, and, though limiting what I do by the righteous code, I have lived every day as if I were at a party of many pleasures and entertainments. But still somehow through all this I managed to maintain a distant relationship with God, and he always seemed to hear my prayers, and answer, with miraculous healing even, and astonishing things occurring regularly.

But now the party is coming to an end. I have received the final call, and it's time to get to WORK. But indeed it's wonderful work! The day is nearly at an end, and night soon comes when no more work can be done - but the Master pays whatever he pleases, so those who come late can get the same reward.

As I draw closer to God, and as promised, he draws closer to me, I am becoming utterly fascinated with him, and am rapidly losing interest with the scummy world. So I may not get around to finishing the game reviews. Instead, I am compelled to make a record here of some important and useful things...

Christianity is about the true and living God who created and maintains the whole of reality becoming manifested in the flesh as a human man, Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life pleasing to God, then was sacrificed, being punished for the sins of the whole world, cancelling the curse of Adam's original sin, and bringing all people back into the presence of God, to be judged according to their works. The true children of God choose not to sin, and so have all their past wiped out so there is no sin at all. Those who continue to sin, having their past wiped out makes no difference: Sin is still there, and they go into the eternal night without the light of God.

To become a child of God...

Repent from sin. The Holy Spirit of God is given to everyone to let them know within themselves the difference between right and wrong. Sin is wrong. Love is right.

Believe in Jesus Christ. He is God. Put your trust in him with all things. See him as reality - NOT A GUESS, and begin to hear him and follow him.

Be baptised in his name. Go to a true Christian who has received authority, and have them immerse you in water, baptising you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Which is one God.)

Receive confirmation from God...

Be baptised with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Receive the Helper, the Comforter, the Teacher. He will guide you and teach you in all things, encourage you to serve him, and will burn away all sin from your life - if you work TOGETHER.

If Jesus is not real to you, make sure you are not too evil and ask him to reveal himself to you. You may receive his Holy Spirit before baptism, but if he hasn't yet come after baptism then again, purify yourself and ask for this Wonderful Counsellor. With God if you don't get an answer straight away, you need to ask with honesty, boldness and perseverance. Don't give up too easily. And patiently wait, and listen/look for the answer. Do not ignore coincidences.

God can do all things, and speaks in many ways, but most often God will speak to your conscience and your spirit, plainly showing you what is right, so you can plainly see what you are doing wrong. The presence of the Holy Spirit is an invasion of unnatural peace and love. You may have feelings in your body (maybe in the centre of your being), but remember that other things can also cause such feelings, and other spirits can come along to confuse you. When uncertain, ask God, and make sure to always listen to what is PLAINLY RIGHT according to your conscience.

Preachers and books of scripture should lead you to God, so you don't need them any more. You must KNOW God, HEAR him and DO what he tells you, otherwise neither does he know you, and he will say so at the last day. You should be led by him alone, not putting your trust in anything or anyone else - not even your own understanding. And pay no attention to those who claim we cannot stop sinning. Either they do not know God, or they do not want to stop sinning. The Lord gives his Spirit to HELP us carry our crosses. Ask God and he gives the power to overcome all things, even to completely wipe out drug addiction, as if it never happened. But you must CHOOSE to be holy, and not to be a slave to sin, or any healing you have received from God may return even worse!

Unless the Spirit compels you to read something else, or to listen to a particular preacher, you should study the written words of Jesus Christ, and put them before all other scripture. Also, you should pray often, and listen to what God is saying to you. Something not often mentioned is praying in tongues. But this is VERY IMPORTANT...

This is a different gift to the spiritual gifts of speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues, which are mainly for communication with other people. This is something everyone who receives the Holy Spirit also receives. This is proof to you that you have the Spirit. You are given new languages to speak, directly to God, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Though you may be compelled to do this, usually you must CHOOSE to do it.
If you can't, then ask God, but you may feel "groaning" in your spirit in prayer when you don't know what to say. At this point you should just speak this "groaning". The words you are speaking may sound very strange, but do not be ashamed of it. Neither will you understand them (but you may get an interpretation). But if you get carried away in the Spirit, so you stop hearing words with ears of flesh, but instead with ears of spirit, then God may put revelation in your mind, teaching you things and showing you wonders. This is how to get closer to God in prayer, who is Spirit, not flesh, letting him take over what you are saying, and you can pray in this way for hours.

As well as speaking new languages, true Christians also should have dominion over serpents, cannot be harmed by drinking poison, have power to expel demons, and have the power to heal sickness.

Now the voice of Jesus is so much clearer, I may record some revelations here that I receive, as they may be useful to others too...


1 comment:

  1. New weblog...
    'Revelations From God.'
    No more posts here.
