Tuesday 4 February 2014


Jesus Christ is surely returning soon. I'm expecting him in 2017, but it could really be ANY TIME.

I am a sinful man. Though the world would probably call me a righteous man, as I have been careful to do good to others, and to keep myself pure from nasty things. But before God I am weighed in the balance and found wanting, not suitable for service in the kingdom of God.

I am VERY slow to change, having taken nearly 25 years so far just to get to this point. I am a lover of pleasure, and, though limiting what I do by the righteous code, I have lived every day as if I were at a party of many pleasures and entertainments. But still somehow through all this I managed to maintain a distant relationship with God, and he always seemed to hear my prayers, and answer, with miraculous healing even, and astonishing things occurring regularly.

But now the party is coming to an end. I have received the final call, and it's time to get to WORK. But indeed it's wonderful work! The day is nearly at an end, and night soon comes when no more work can be done - but the Master pays whatever he pleases, so those who come late can get the same reward.

As I draw closer to God, and as promised, he draws closer to me, I am becoming utterly fascinated with him, and am rapidly losing interest with the scummy world. So I may not get around to finishing the game reviews. Instead, I am compelled to make a record here of some important and useful things...

Christianity is about the true and living God who created and maintains the whole of reality becoming manifested in the flesh as a human man, Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life pleasing to God, then was sacrificed, being punished for the sins of the whole world, cancelling the curse of Adam's original sin, and bringing all people back into the presence of God, to be judged according to their works. The true children of God choose not to sin, and so have all their past wiped out so there is no sin at all. Those who continue to sin, having their past wiped out makes no difference: Sin is still there, and they go into the eternal night without the light of God.

To become a child of God...

Repent from sin. The Holy Spirit of God is given to everyone to let them know within themselves the difference between right and wrong. Sin is wrong. Love is right.

Believe in Jesus Christ. He is God. Put your trust in him with all things. See him as reality - NOT A GUESS, and begin to hear him and follow him.

Be baptised in his name. Go to a true Christian who has received authority, and have them immerse you in water, baptising you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Which is one God.)

Receive confirmation from God...

Be baptised with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Receive the Helper, the Comforter, the Teacher. He will guide you and teach you in all things, encourage you to serve him, and will burn away all sin from your life - if you work TOGETHER.

If Jesus is not real to you, make sure you are not too evil and ask him to reveal himself to you. You may receive his Holy Spirit before baptism, but if he hasn't yet come after baptism then again, purify yourself and ask for this Wonderful Counsellor. With God if you don't get an answer straight away, you need to ask with honesty, boldness and perseverance. Don't give up too easily. And patiently wait, and listen/look for the answer. Do not ignore coincidences.

God can do all things, and speaks in many ways, but most often God will speak to your conscience and your spirit, plainly showing you what is right, so you can plainly see what you are doing wrong. The presence of the Holy Spirit is an invasion of unnatural peace and love. You may have feelings in your body (maybe in the centre of your being), but remember that other things can also cause such feelings, and other spirits can come along to confuse you. When uncertain, ask God, and make sure to always listen to what is PLAINLY RIGHT according to your conscience.

Preachers and books of scripture should lead you to God, so you don't need them any more. You must KNOW God, HEAR him and DO what he tells you, otherwise neither does he know you, and he will say so at the last day. You should be led by him alone, not putting your trust in anything or anyone else - not even your own understanding. And pay no attention to those who claim we cannot stop sinning. Either they do not know God, or they do not want to stop sinning. The Lord gives his Spirit to HELP us carry our crosses. Ask God and he gives the power to overcome all things, even to completely wipe out drug addiction, as if it never happened. But you must CHOOSE to be holy, and not to be a slave to sin, or any healing you have received from God may return even worse!

Unless the Spirit compels you to read something else, or to listen to a particular preacher, you should study the written words of Jesus Christ, and put them before all other scripture. Also, you should pray often, and listen to what God is saying to you. Something not often mentioned is praying in tongues. But this is VERY IMPORTANT...

This is a different gift to the spiritual gifts of speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues, which are mainly for communication with other people. This is something everyone who receives the Holy Spirit also receives. This is proof to you that you have the Spirit. You are given new languages to speak, directly to God, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Though you may be compelled to do this, usually you must CHOOSE to do it.
If you can't, then ask God, but you may feel "groaning" in your spirit in prayer when you don't know what to say. At this point you should just speak this "groaning". The words you are speaking may sound very strange, but do not be ashamed of it. Neither will you understand them (but you may get an interpretation). But if you get carried away in the Spirit, so you stop hearing words with ears of flesh, but instead with ears of spirit, then God may put revelation in your mind, teaching you things and showing you wonders. This is how to get closer to God in prayer, who is Spirit, not flesh, letting him take over what you are saying, and you can pray in this way for hours.

As well as speaking new languages, true Christians also should have dominion over serpents, cannot be harmed by drinking poison, have power to expel demons, and have the power to heal sickness.

Now the voice of Jesus is so much clearer, I may record some revelations here that I receive, as they may be useful to others too...


Monday 30 December 2013

Extra Game Review: STAR STABLE


This isn't on the list of recommended games as though it is free to play, in order to experience the game properly you need to be a paying member. However there is a lifetime membership available, so you only have to pay once. The free version is good enough to recommend it though, and it is an especially good virtual world for people to meet online.

This game is virtually identical to another excellent game I have previously reviewed, 'Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp'. In almost every aspect it is exactly the same, but 'Star Stable' is much better, with more to do - especially for paying members - as well as being multiplayer, offering even more things to do with other players. If you enjoyed going to the Riding Camp island, then you'll absolutely love the Star Stable island, which is called Jorvik.

Watch the trailer...

The nature of the island is a bit mysterious, but teenage girls are called there to fulfil a purpose, working together with their horses against the forces of darkness. I can't say very much as there is a fascinating story which unfolds, with mysteries to uncover. The island is like the strange island from the TV show 'LOST', full of mysteries and a variety of characters. For example there are unexplained locked underground hatches, with faint sound coming from inside. Looking closer at them reveals a little puzzle to be solved, which nobody else I've met there seems to be aware of, and which points to a currently inaccessible location...

As I said, the game is virtually identical to 'Riding Camp'. You ride your horse around, periodically needing to feed, water, brush and clean the hooves, at care points scattered around the island (usually at stables). Except you will have to pay for the feed yourself. You can earn extra money by doing tasks for people and working in the stables. You can explore the island (though the entire island is not currently available), and take part in races and events like show jumping. There are things to be collected scattered around the island (stars), however these won't earn you money but instead respect, as they are very difficult to find. The time progresses through day and night, but night riding is not forbidden (though you could still do it in Riding Camp). The scenery and sounds are excellent, except the sunset is not so beautiful. Also there is some great music throughout the game. And there are many shops available, offering a massive variety of clothing to buy, or gear for your horse - except the gear and clothing also provides skill bonuses, improving speed or jumping ability for example.

Most especially for the paying members there is so much to do within the game. Apart from the storyline tasks, the inhabitants of the island will need things doing daily, which is different every day, and there is a massive variety of different races and events to take part in, ranging from cross country races to chasing rabbits and all sorts. Some can be multi-player, racing against friends, and others can be done alone, trying to get onto the daily scoreboards, or be recorded as among the fastest ever. Doing races and events also trains your horse, which improves its performance. Your own skill level will also increase, but there is a limit to both these skill levels, which is soon reached. There are also seasonal events to take part in, like at Christmas, and the game is continually expanding, offering something new every week. The players very often don't take part in these events and other things going on around the island though, but instead mostly just ride around in groups, or relax in a place talking and enjoying the scenery and the world.

And even beyond all this there are even more exciting regular events. During the daylight hours there are special championship races every couple of hours, with more at weekends. These are epic cross country races, which everyone can join at once, though the competitors are divided into skill groups. These are an enormous amount of fun, and will very often contain additional hazards such as falling trees and enemies trying to ruin the race! Just riding around normally can be hazardous too, as there are cars driving around, driven by people who don't care about horses. And for socialising, or just relaxing, every weekend there is a disco which goes on until late in the night, where players can dance.

I had described 'Riding Camp' as being, "a wonderful dreamlike experience, like a fondly remembered holiday that I never want to end." This game is the same as that, except even better, with much more to do, and other people there as well to share it with. Sometimes it's just so relaxing, sometimes it's exciting, sometimes it's thrilling, sometimes it's creepy, sometimes it's fascinating, and so on... There is so much to find, strange things, secret places... It's a fantastic world to visit, either alone or with friends. Even if you only want to play the free part of the game, it's still AWESOME. But if you pay to play and get it all, then it's absolutely fantastic and well worth paying for.


Thursday 4 July 2013

An Amateur Film

Film trailer / credits


This is the end credits for a film I made, which will also serve as a trailer. There is a playlist on my 'Youtube' channel, but here is a link to the first part...


Note there are two playlists, as there is an interactive portion in the middle, requiring the viewer to make decisions and solve puzzles in order to progress through the story correctly. Thus if the film is watched again there could be a different story, and perhaps a different ending.

The story is based upon the Book Of Mormon, but it is only the beginning of the story. It may continue, either in more films or else a TV show. Though the film can be watched like a TV show, as it is split into episodes. I had wanted to watch a film version of the Book Of Mormon, but there wasn't one available, so I decided to make my own, and change it into a science fiction story, connecting together Nephites and Nephilim.

Most of it was created using the computer game 'The Movies' previously reviewed. Though as I said in the review, it has its limitations, but this demonstrates how useful it can be to produce your own films, and I didn't even use it to its fullest extent - so I've saved enough good scenes for the sequels.


Saturday 8 June 2013

Game Reviews: Rule Of Rose

RULE OF ROSE (Playstation 2)

This game is truly a work of art. No other game has affected me quite like this one. It may be hard to describe exactly what it is that makes this game so.... well, as I say, hard to describe. Here is the opening video which introduces the game, to give you an idea...


This is a horror game, similar in style to Silent Hill. While there are some shocking scares, it is more about the atmosphere and general "creepiness", experiencing disturbing events, as well as a fascinating and emotionally affecting story. A mystery unfolds, which may not make sense at first, and the player is thrown into this mystery, and forced to endure and unravel it.

You play the game as Jennifer, a very unlucky girl, a teenager/young woman. It is set in 1930s England, and begins on a bus journey. A young boy asks Jennifer to read him a story from a book made by a child, but she finds there is no story. He gets off the bus, leaving his book, and Jennifer runs after him. The bus leaves without her, and she is left stranded at a very creepy orphanage, where she encounters children beating something in a bag. As she continues following the boy and exploring, the book gradually becomes filled with the story she is experiencing. Each chapter represents a different month, not in order, and also has its own story book.

After being assaulted by the children in the orphanage, Jennifer wakes up in a new location, and finds herself at the mercy of the young boy, who is the head of a society called the Red Crayon Aristocrats. Being threatened with death, Jennifer has no choice but to join, as the lowest ranking member, and must work to increase her social status among the children by playing their game. This usually involves bringing a special gift each month to the society leadership, which involves searching throughout this strange location, sometimes solving puzzles. However, Jennifer is not alone in this task. She rescues a dog being tortured, called Brown, and they team up together. Brown can smell objects to find related items (or people) by following the scent trail. Blindly following Brown doesn't always work though, as he will just take the most direct route, which may be blocked, or else there may be no scent in range.

As well as sniffing out the required things for the Aristocrats, Brown can also be useful for finding additional useful items. Also, he will protect Jennifer if she is attacked. He won't actually harm any enemies, but will bark and scare them, and prevent them from attacking, and he can be commanded to effectively keep enemies at bay while Jennifer either deals with others or escapes. Or she may command him to stay away from danger, as he also can be injured. This will cause him to limp and slow down, and likewise if Jennifer is seriously injured she too will slow down, and become much less effective in combat. Jennifer can use healing items (sweets) to recover, and Brown also has his own healing items (dog food/bones).

The enemies are strange creatures, which usually don't pose too much of a problem alone (though some do), but the problem is they usually attack in very large numbers - which is where Brown comes in useful in distracting some of them. Often the best strategy is to run away rather than attempt to fight, especially if there is an endless swarm (often creepily falling from the ceiling or climbing out of the ground) but sometimes the evil children lock Jennifer in a room with them, or she encounters a "boss fight" with something even more dangerous.

Many people complain about the combat in this game, and even call it "broken", but I think it is just right. Jennifer is weak, clumsy, has no fighting experience or accuracy, and usually has a poor weapon (or just her feeble fists). Especially when being confronted with a swarm of enemies, or a tough opponent then, some smart fighting (or avoidance) is required, as well as the important point of not letting yourself get into an unwinnable situation. Thus it is just like real life situations, especially when you understand the real nature of Jennifer. Combat is a challenge, it requires skill, and it is realistic how it plays out. But once you become more experienced it becomes easier.

The music is excellent, based on violin and piano, and goes perfectly with the scenes. The bird chapter music is especially good. Even the menu system, involving using inventory, etc. is very good. But it is the story and atmosphere that is what makes this game such an experience to play. The combat and enemies can be freaky, but it is the strange scenes and extremely creepy moments throughout which really make it so deeply affecting. This is a world of warped and disturbed children (and a few adults), and features scenes and ideas of cruelty and severe physical abuse towards animals and children, as well as powerful hints of sexual abuse, and controversial child lesbian moments. And then we get into the legend of Stray Dog...

As well as extreme creepiness and disturbing moments, the game also involves some sad and bittersweet moments, and provokes other emotions I can't quite describe. Overall, as I said, it's a work of art when all put together, and I find it hard to put into words exactly why I would recommend this game. If you really get into games then this one will take you on quite a trip, especially if you explore the world and mysteries, it may have quite a powerful effect on you.


Monday 15 April 2013

Game Reviews: Pirates Of The Burning Sea


PIRATES OF THE BURNING SEA (online multiplayer)

This is a late addition to the free online game category. As usual the player can play for free, and also pay for additional stuff to make gameplay easier and more successful, but this doesn't really seem to be necessary. And while there is a "levelling system" within this game, with players gaining experience over time which makes them perform better, there seems to be a limit to how far one can advance, and it doesn't take a great deal of work to begin to approach this limit. Thus, like the somewhat similar game 'Puzzle Pirates' previously reviewed, for the most part success in the game is about how well the player performs, rather than the amount of time or money spent on the game. But unlike 'Puzzle Pirates', where the focus was on the players joining together to form crews, each doing their required jobs, in this game each player plays the part of the captain of computer-controlled crews. So instead, players join together to form fleets of warships.

Though it is massive, and there is a massive amount to do, which is never exactly the same, for the most part the game consists of repeatedly doing the same basic things over and over again. However these few things are realised so well within the game that it is an absolute delight to play. I haven't even had very much experience yet of the even more interesting multiplayer aspect of the game, but I've greatly enjoyed what I've seen of it so far.

The game is a fantasy simulation of the Caribbean in 1720, with four nations - British, French, Spanish and Pirate each fighting for control of the area. It's partly historical and partly fictional. It really sends you back in time to a fully realised world with an awesome atmosphere, and sets the player on an exciting swashbuckling adventure taking place on land and at sea. Though there are storylines to follow, it is a free-roaming game, where the player decides what they will do within the game.

After choosing which nation they wish to be allied with, the player then chooses their specific career, which makes them a bit better at either combat or trading. For example the three established nations each have the option of becoming a naval officer, being well trained in combat, but the divided, disorganised Pirate nation doesn't have a navy. Then, after the player has designed their character the game begins, and they are thrown straight into the action on board a ship during battle. You are a member of the crew, and after the captain is killed it is up to you to take over as the new captain and lead the crew successfully into fame and fortune. You quickly learn the basics of swordfighting and sailing, then put into port and are left to decide what to do next...

Here you'll find a great deal of computer-controlled characters with missions they need doing, with rewards of experience and pay, as well as additional useful items and learned skills. There are an enormous number of missions available, and some can be repeated daily. The missions will mainly involve doing one of a few things...

Trading. You can forage or manufacture your own goods, or else buy what others are selling, and transport them across the ocean to sell for profit wherever there is demand for what you or another is producing. And basic supplies you will need for yourself are always available, but ships and more useful specialised items (if you can't easily manufacture them yourself) can only be bought from other players, being sold at their chosen prices. Though you can haggle and offer a lower price, which may be accepted.

Sailing. On the open ocean time and distance are greatly reduced, so you can sail up to a couple of miles per second. But you may need to make a trip of up to 2000 miles, at a reduced speed. The course must be planned and adjusted to account for wind direction, currents and danger zones, especially if carrying precious cargo. You can attack enemy ships on the ocean, but fortunately the computer-controlled ones seem to rarely attack players, which is a relief because there are a lot of them. Players will very often attack other enemy players though, but a skilled player could maybe use the wind to their advantage, and outsail them and escape.

Swashbuckling. This is hand-to-hand combat, either on land in a variety of situations, or else on the deck of a ship during boarding combat. This usually uses a sword, but brawling with wrapped fists is also available. In addition you can occasionally pull out a single shot pistol to shoot the enemy - which is a lot more satisfying than continually shooting. Each career has its recommended fighting style, with seperate weapons, but you can choose whichever style you like, and even change your mind later. You will usually be set against several enemies at once, and may also have allies fighting on your side, who may also need to be protected as part of a mission. The situation and atmosphere is always excellent, and it's also a lot of fun, and success depends upon smart and efficient use of different fighting moves which are gradually learned, as well as some fancy footwork.

Sea battle. This is the most spectacular part of the game. There can be several situations, such as a variety of encounters in missions, like salvaging floating cargo from the midst of a heavy battle, destroying or evading a fleet while protecting allied ships, destroying, protecting or capturing a coastal fort, blockading a port, etc. Or it could be as part of a battle for control of a port, with player warships defending one of their ports from an attack by an enemy nation. But usually it is a result of an attack on the open sea, where it goes back to normal size and speed, but the ships remain in their same positions relative to the wind and also the land if there is a coast nearby. There are different weather conditions, which may affect the battle, and also reinforcements may sometimes be able to join the battle. Ships may try and escape, or else they will fight until all enemy ships have either been sunk, abandoned, surrendered or captured in boarding combat - which results in a swashbuckling fight on the deck. There are different ammunition choices, for example cannonballs chained together are fired at the sails to damage them, slowing the enemy ship, and could even bring down the mast, disabling it completely. Like all throughout the game, the atmosphere is superb - you can really feel the power of the cannons, and everything happens in wonderful detail.

Exploring. When you're not at sea, or on some hostile island, or doing some other thing, you will be in a port searching around for something to do, or doing something that needs to be done for a mission, or else doing some trading, or learning new fighting skills, etc. Some missions require talking to various people and making decisions, which may affect your future. But with all this to do, the ports are also a wonderful place just to rest and relax. Once again the atmosphere is wonderful. All throughout the game there is great music, but in addition the ports sometimes have musicians playing their own music. This is especially delightful in the taverns, which usually have a great atmosphere, and in a British tavern you may hear things like, "More ale! More ale!" followed by, "ALE FOR MY FRIEND!" amongst the merry crowd. And it's such a delight to wander around town watching and listening to the various activities going on - at the dock someone's having trouble moving some heavy cargo, meanwhile someone else has just been robbed, whilst down a nearby alley some salty pirates are rolling dice. In addition there will be many personal conversations going on, and these can be very entertaining to listen to - a bunch of thugs explaining the details of their "insurance business", some drunkards arguing and philosophising, a very polite man picking up a prostitute in a tavern, etc.

Overall this game is an utter delight to play. It looks amazing, sounds extraordinary, and wonderfully simulates a world of exciting swashbuckling adventure, with an excellent atmosphere in every part of the game. Your character can perform actions, some to other characters, and a nice one is the ability to roll dice. Thus you could play dice games. Or arrange sailing races, fighting tournaments, etc. It's just such a wonderful world to inhabit, and could use more people who really get into character and live the part, instead of just playing the game.


Thursday 24 January 2013

Game Reviews: LSD Dream Emulator



This "game" has no playability, no goal, no challenge, no story, no nothing. Yet it is one of the most compelling games I have ever played. Though it is not a horror game, I have found it to be far more shocking and disturbing than any horror game I have played, or any horror film I have watched. You may watch videos of others playing the game - though I wouldn't recommend this, you should know nothing about what's going to happen - but watching another is not the same at all; you will only understand what it's truly like by playing the game for yourself.

The game simulates dreaming, or instead, severely tripping. It is based upon actual dreams recorded in a dream diary over the course of ten years. The game controls consist of merely walking/running and looking up and down. All the player does is wander around within dreams and look at things. The graphics are very simple, but also very effective, as the environments and things encountered within the dreams range from wonderfully beautiful to dreadfully terrifying. This game is all about the atmosphere, and it does it extremely well.

"WHAT THE HELL??!?" Or something similar to this, is what you will most likely say a LOT of the time, especially when you first start playing the game. And that's all I can say about that, because this phrase replaces the powerful bafflement of the thing that can only be described by, "WHAT THE ####??!?"

Sometimes the dreams are trippy videos, or written text (in Japanese), but most of the time the player will take control and be able to explore the dreams. Interacting with any object, even just walking into a wall, will cause the dream to change - sometimes relating to the object, but usually just moving to a random new location. There are several different environments to explore including your home, a village, a city, etc. as well as bizarre fantasy lands. These are connected by a series of passageways, which always take you to the right place, but the entire dream world is VAST.

The dreams are usually quite empty of others, but in many places a variety of people, animals and freaky "things" will be encountered, which may ignore you, or may suddenly attack you. There is also a dark character who will stalk you throughout your dreams, stealing your dream memories if he catches you, and also perhaps unseen things will follow you, waiting to be revealed, or maybe staying hidden - there aren't just scary noises in this game purely to freak you out; it seems that every sound you hear has something causing it.

Like all good atmosphere games, it is the sound that is really effective. There are some freaky noises, but sometimes the music alone will freak you out. There are hundreds of different music tracks, but they are apparently all different interpretations of the same single piece of music. Sometimes there will be no music, and this can be just as freaky. But in addition to the sound, and despite the simplicity of the graphics, the visuals and environments play a large part in making it such an extraordinary experience playing the game. This is stuff right out of your deepest dreams, and as I said, it can be WONDERFULLY AWESOME or it can be EXTREMELY DISTURBING. Sometimes it will seem boring, as you visit the same places again and again, but this just conditions you into expecting nothing, AS USUAL, and then you turn around and suddenly the freakiest thing you can possibly imagine is suddenly right there, which can be extremely shocking.

After it's got you once, the game conditions you into being worried about what's going to happen next, and every little thing can begin to unnerve you. In this game ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING can and DOES happen, which can be quite worrying. You'll be totally freaked out, and need to escape to a new location, then find yourself in the mouth of a tunnel with a warning bell sounding, which fills you with confusion and panic. You turn around and suddenly get hit by a train.

The more you explore the more you will find, and there is so much to find. Though you visit the same environments, they will often change, being covered in writing, sexual images, strange textures, windows becoming horribly warped, etc. Crazy faces will be everywhere. The sky and sun and moon will have various strange appearances. Sometimes there will be an eclipse, or a bizarre reverse eclipse with the moon behind the sun. Even the clouds can be extremely trippy. I just can't describe the (insert word here) of how (insert word here) this game is.

Overall this game is a bizarre, wonderful, scary EXPERIENCE. But beware, in excess it may POSSIBLY cause the same mental problems as excessive drug use.


Saturday 12 January 2013

A Word About Common Purpose


This is an important thing I don't think I've mentioned here before. I revealed a bit about it on my old 'Youtube' channel, but that got shut down. Note that the previous Youtube links to my own videos will no longer work. I'll try and replace the more important ones.

In the UK (and other countries) things had been going reasonably well. Some things had been getting better while some things were getting worse, but it was a pretty cool time up to and throughout the 1980s. Then, just as we should have been entering a golden age of technology, freedom and cooperation, things in society as a whole began to change - it took an absurd and accelerating downfall into subtle and blatant but unopposed madness. The precise nature of what exactly was going on was something baffling, beyond the comprehension of your common man, but a few stumbled upon it accidentally - in particular Brian Gerrish, who shared it with the rest of us.

There was MUCH going on, but at the heart of it was an organisation called COMMON PURPOSE. This is what is referred to in the Book of Mormon as a "secret combination", which warns about such things in the end times. It is a semi-secret organisation, which even is bound by the Chatham House rule of secrecy, forbidding the revelation of the members of their secret society, and their involvements with things they should not legally and honestly be involved with. It is made up with a sneakily self-helping, evil-serving cooperation of the majority of leaders in every aspect of society - politics, the media, schools, police force, hospitals, big business, town councils, etc. Increasingly whoever has any real position to make a difference within society is unwittingly indoctrinated into the organisation, by a combination of their own desires and neuro-linguistic programming - which is hypnosis by stealth.

(Or else of course they are manoeuvered into the position of power because of their connections and being a well-trained member of the organisation - they even indoctrinate children and groom them from an early age to be the future leaders of society.)

So, let's see the effect. Since the end of the 1980s when the organisation began to operate, until now when it almost has total control, what benefits have their leadership training had upon all these services, and society as a whole? Are they doing good? Are the schools, the hospitals, police, politicians, media quality and honesty, industry and employment prospects, the very nature of society, etc. improving, or FALLING APART??!? Either they are doing an IMPOSSIBLY bad job, or else they are doing a VERY GOOD job at conquering my nation with "silent weapons" in the Quiet War!

If you go to their UK website, unless it has been further modified, you'll see they are totally open and bold about the dastardly things they are doing - and this is the "cleaned up" version - Gerrish says it was even worse before he began exposing them, and he even got access to the members-only sections which were truly shocking! People talk about "conspiracy theories", but when they're openly and boldly saying, "Hey, we who have money, power and influence, are joining together and are cheating and controlling the rest of the poor fools. Join us, if we want you, and get the benefits!" It's total conspiracy FACT!

There is A LOT I could say about this, but it's best you examine for yourself. You should be able to find an article on the Government website about UK Prime Minister David Cameron's launch of the 'UK-India Future Leaders Scheme', a "self-sustaining network" of future leaders in every part of society. Our taxes are being used to invest in them - who are chosen and trained by Common Purpose of course. For example they select the future leaders in the media, who manipulate the nation into voting for the chosen future leaders in politics, who in turn ensure the right media people get their positions and benefits. Yet the web is more complex than that!

I'm drunk. I can't remember what point I originally wanted to make. But this has now been said. If you're not aware of Common Purpose, and the wider picture, then get aware. I highly recommend listening to everything Brian Gerrish has to say. He really knows what he's talking about!
